Re: how return a iterator?

"terminator" <>
17 Mar 2007 11:14:19 -0700
On Mar 17, 9:04 pm, "antani" <> wrote:

VolumeType::ISetType::iterator findFirstIteratorMarked(const
VolumeType::ISetType::iterator & it,const
VolumeType::ISetType::iterator & e_it)
   VolumeType::ISetType::iterator _it=it;
    while (_it!=e_it)
        if ((*_it).mark) return _it;
        else _it++;


I get compiler error.....

You have not declared any return statement outside the 'while' loop
which might be the reason for the error you get.

either add a return statement outside the loop or if you are using
microsoft vc,declare your function as '__declspec(noreturn)'.


I would like do a function that give a iterator to vector stl return
the first element after of iterator where
the field mark is true.How can I do it?
e_it is v.end() where v is a stl vector.

#include <algorithm>

and use 'std::find_if' like this:

/*assuming that 'VolumeType::ISetType::iterator' points to objects of
type 'vtype'*/

typedef std::vector<vtype> my_vec;

bool Ismarked(const my_vec::value_type& x){/*
my_vec::value_type==vtype */
   return x.mark;

bool Is_not_marked(const vtype& x){/* my_vec::value_type==vtype */
   return !x.mark;

{//somewhwere in your code:
    const VolumeType::ISetType::iterator iter;
    iter=std::find_if(v.begin(),v.end(),Ismarked);/*find first marked

    iter=std::find_if(v.begin(),v.end(),Is_not_marked);/*find first
none-marked element*/

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