Re: Dynamic storage duration

"Adrian" <>
11 Apr 2007 06:50:40 -0700
On Apr 10, 10:35 pm, Rolf Magnus <> wrote:

You might run into something similar to the problem mentioned in

Checking the FAQ I dont think I will. Below is a trivial example of
what I am actually doing.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Impl;

class pImpl
    friend class Impl;
    friend class std::auto_ptr<pImpl>;
    pImpl() {};
    ~pImpl() {};
    pImpl(const pImpl &);
    pImpl &operator=(const pImpl &);

    void print_some_stuff() { std::cout << "Hi\n"; };

class Impl
        std::auto_ptr<pImpl> temp(new pImpl);

    void print_some_stuff() { _pimpl->print_some_stuff(); };
    Impl(const Impl &);
    Impl &operator=(const Impl &);
    static std::auto_ptr<pImpl> _pimpl;

std::auto_ptr<pImpl> Impl::_pimpl;

void foo();
void bar();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  return 0;

void foo()

void bar()

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