Re: Template array with pointers
On May 11, 2:28 am, wrote:
I have been asked to create a dynamic template array as an exercise.
the array should be used as follows:
CDynamicArray<City*> arr; or CDynamicArray<Street> arr;
It also need to support operator << for streaming the content.
(each class also support operator << )
My question is how do i deal with the fact that the array can contains
pointers ?
I need some way to dereference the item (only if needed),in order to
properly streaming it.
Is overloading operator * for all classes is a good idea?
Is there a solution with a template parameters something like:
(DefaultDereference for use with classes)
template<class T,class Dereferencer=DefaultDereferencer<T> >
class CDynamicArray
Thanks in advance
For starters, using an array is the wrong solution. Specially since
you plan for a dynamic container. A std::vector is much. much simpler
to code with.
What problem do you foresee by using CDynamicArray<City*>?
The only difference between CDynamicArray<City> and
CDynamicArray<City*> is the fact that in the former its the container
that owns the 'Cities' and in the latter something else owns the
Cities. The fact that you accessing the cities through a pointer
simply means you have to deference the pointer in op<<. Thats all.
Lets use a toy class S for example and a container named Dynamic which
stores S*:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class S
std::string s;
S( const std::string s_ ) : s(s_) { }
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const S& r_s)
return os << r_s.s;
template< typename T >
class Dynamic
std::vector< T > m_v;
// default parametixed ctor
Dynamic(size_t sz = 0, const T& t = T())
: m_v(sz, t) { }
// member function
void push_back( const T& t )
m_v.push_back( t );
// global op<< overload
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Dynamic< T >& dyn)
typedef typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator VIter;
for(VIter viter = dyn.m_v.begin(); viter != dyn.m_v.end(); +
os << *(*viter); // dereference the ptr at *viter
os << "\n";
return os;
int main()
// the vector owns the S's
std::vector< S > vs(10, std::string("strings galore"));
// declare your container
Dynamic< S* > pstrings;
// push_back the addresses of each element
// the above vector holds
for( size_t i = 0; i < vs.size(); ++i)
pstrings.push_back( &( i ) ) );
std::cout << pstrings << std::endl;
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore
strings galore