Heap corruption by vector argument

"Maik Hauguth" <maik.hauguth@tu-ilmenau.de>
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:38:01 +0200
Hi there,

I've got a heap corruption when passing a std::vector<double> by value to
a method within a dll.
The problem occurs only in the release version of our project.

I'm using M$ Visual C++ .NET 2005.

The situation is as following:


class B {
   virtual init( std::vector<double> x ) = 0;


class A : public B {
  /* virtual */ init( std::vector<double> x);

extern "C" A* CALLBACK createA( void );

The main program links B.dll at compiletime and A.dll at runtime.


aproc = GetProcAddress(A_Dll_Handle, "createA");
B* = (*aproc)();


Now I call virtual method init on the base pointer B which is in fact an A

std::vector<double> mainVec(30);

A copy of mainVec is placed on the stack. The copy allocates memory for
the copied doubles!

When leaving B::init() the copy of mainVec is destructed. The calling
convention of B.dll is __cdecl.

Now it seems to me that deallocation of the memory of mainVecs copy is
done with an unmatching deallocation scheme or the wrong heap structure.

When it comes to deallocation I got a crash stating that the heap is
probably corrupted.

Does anyone has an idea how to fix this problem?

Since the B library comes from another project partner, the interface
might not be changed to a call by reference, which would probably solve
the issue.
I tried to change the calling convention to __stdcall which would probably
destruct the copy in the main program (!?) but I got lots of undefined
references in the standard libraries then.

I also read many articles about heap corruption which state, that memory
should be deallocated in the same module there it was allocated.

I was wondering if the main program and the dll's have their own code for
allocators? (Multiple defined symbols that do not interfere because
they're not exported from the dll?) I strongly guess, that linkage is the
cause of this problem, but how can I solve it?

I appreciate any help

Best regards


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