Re: serialization of arrays

Gianni Mariani <>
Wed, 05 Sep 2007 18:30:52 +1000
aaragon wrote:

Ok, got the point, but all this still doesn't solve my original
problem, which was to send a boost::dynamic_bitset using MPI. I will
start a traits class and I guess that I could send it as a string
since the dynamic_bitset supports a function that creates a string
with the boolean values. I'll go back to you guys later. Thanks for

You will need to "serialize" the bitset which has two components -
number of bits and the bits themselves. Since you can only output
multiples of 8 bits you need to send not only the size in bytes
(serializer.size()), you also need to send the number of significant
bits in the "remainder byte".


           ^^^ number of bits in the last byte.
this would be the bit sequence "01010".

ex. 2.


no bits

bits= 10010100 00001111
            ^^^ number of bits to use in last byte

would mean: 111110010

class SerializerDynamicBitset

     std::vector<char> m_data;

     enum { bits_per_byte=8, remainder_bits_size=3 };

     SerializerDynamicBitset( const boost::dynamic_bitset & i_data )
       : m_data(
           (i_data.size() + remainder_bits_size + bits_per_byte -1)/
         m_data[ 0 ] = i_data.size() % bits_per_byte;

         unsigned char l_val = 0x08; // bit location

         ... now iterate through the bit set popping bits from
         ... the input and pushing it into the m_data array

     const char * buffer() const
         return & m_data[0];

     const size_t size()
         return m_data.size();

.... you'll need a corresponding deserializer function.

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