Re: std::max(short,long) doesn't work

Howard Hinnant <>
Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:41:03 -0400
In article <JWLRi.11899$>,
 Phil Endecott <> wrote:

Hi Neelesh, thanks for the quick reply.

Neelesh Bodas wrote:

On Oct 18, 9:19 pm, Phil Endecott <>

Dear Experts,

I'm surprised to find that std::max doesn't work (i.e. won't compile) if
the arguments are not of exactly the same type, e.g. one is a short and
the other is a long:

thats because the template is defined to take two arguments of same

Indeed, but I'm surpised that the short isn't promoted to a long as it
would be for a non-template function where both arguments have the same

int f(long x, long y) {
   return 1;

int g() {
   short s;
   long l;
   return f(s,l);

I'm not saying that anything is wrong - this just wasn't what I had
(naively) expected.

Yes you can, just explicitly provide template arguments:

Ah, that's interesting. So if I provide an explicit type then it
behaves like my non-template function f above.

If you use it this be forewarned that you should not catch the return
value as a const reference (const long&), but catch it as a long
instead. If you catch it as a reference:

const long& m = std::max<long>(s,l);

then you risk having a reference to a destructed temporary (the
temporary long created from converting from s).

Here is a more robust (and more flexible) min/max which does not have
this danger, and is usable without specifying <long>:

The std committee briefly considered this solution for standardization
in C++0X but rejected it. However the reference implementation is there
in the paper free for the taking.


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