Re: fast power function
In article <Xns9A2CA71CBAD72toelavabitcom@>, says...
Would it not make sense for the standard library to have a pow function
that deals only with integer exponents?
It already has such overloads, though there's no guarantee that they
work any differently than for floating point exponents.
unsigned pow_int(unsigned const x,unsigned exp)
unsigned retval = 1;
while ( ; exp; --exp) retval *= x;
return retval;
This isn't a particularly good algorithm unless exp is _quite_ small
(low double digits at most). For an N-bit exponent, this takes a maximum
of 2^N-1 multiplications. Assuming values of exp were randomly
distributed, it would take about 2^(N-1) multiplications on average.
You can do a lot better than that, taking roughly 2N multiplications in
the worst case, and something like 1.5N multiplications in the typical
case (actually, it should be somewhat less than that, but I haven't
bothered to figure up the exact number -- in any case, it's linear on
the number of bits instead of exponential.
Here's an implementation with some test code and instrumentation:
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
unsigned mults;
template <class T>
T mult(T a, T b) {
return a * b;
#define bits(object) (sizeof(object)*CHAR_BIT)
template <class T>
T my_pow(T X, unsigned Y) {
std::vector<T> sq;
T current_square(X);
mults = 0;
while (Y) {
if (Y&1)
current_square *= current_square;
T result = std::accumulate(sq.begin(), sq.end(), T(1), mult<T>);
return result;
#ifdef TEST
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main() {
unsigned max_mults = 0;
unsigned total_mults = 0;
unsigned numbers = 0;
for (double i=0; i<10; i++)
for (int j=0; j<300; j++) {
std::cout << i << "^" << j << "=" << my_pow(i, j);
std::cout << "\t" << mults << " multiplications\n";
if (std::pow(i,j) != my_pow(i,j))
std::cout << "^Error!\n";
if (mults > max_mults)
max_mults = mults;
numbers ++;
total_mults += mults;
std::cout << "Maximum Multiplications: " << max_mults;
std::cout << "\nAverage Multipliations: " << (double)total_mults /
return 0;
When I run this, I get a worst-case of 16 and an average of 11.23
multiplications per call. In every case, the result matches the standard
library exactly -- which gives a strong indication that the standard
library is implementing the code the same way. I'd expect to see at
least a few minor differences if the standard library were doing the job
by taking the logarithm and multiplying.
The universe is a figment of its own imagination.