Re: speed versus OO

kwikius <>
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 04:15:22 -0800 (PST)
On Jan 27, 10:33 am, ""
<> wrote:
 If you use

vector to represent points then it is possible to do this summation,
basicly thats wrong.

Not so. You can find a point p between p1 and p2

p = (p1 + p2)/2;

You can also do this for n points.

Heres a post from Richard Heathfield on comp.programming to do a

Just to bring this back to C++. At the end a version using my off line
quanta lib, which I may one day get round to reworking and making
publicly available as a new version of my old quan library:

(N.B) The following wont work with the sourceforge version of quan:

after a post on comp.programming thread font curves from Richard

#include <quanta/quan/quick_start/length.hpp>
#include <quanta/seq/vector/vector2.hpp>
#include <quanta/seq/vector/vector3.hpp>
#include <quanta/seq/vector/vector4.hpp>
#include <quanta/seq/vector/vector5.hpp>
#include <quanta/seq/out/sequence.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace impl{

// implement pascal's Triangle
// for various control point combos...
   template <int NumCtPoints, int Iter>
   struct get_bezier_constant;

// specialisation for 4 control points
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<4,0>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,1>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<4,1>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,3>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<4,2>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,3>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<4,3>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,1>{};

// specialisation for 5 control points
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<5,0>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,1>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<5,1>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,4>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<5,2>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,6>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<5,3>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,4>{};
   template <> struct get_bezier_constant<5,4>
   : std::tr1::integral_constant<int,1>{};

// functor to do the calc :

   namespace detail{

       //internal calc
      template <int Iter> struct bezier_impl_eval;
      // use compile time recursion to do the calc...
      //'bezier_impl_eval<0>' is the compile time
      //loop terminating condition
      template <>
      struct bezier_impl_eval<0>
         // result type deduction
         // CtrlPtSeq is a model of TypeSequence,
         // a sequence whose length is known at compiletime
         // can be doubles or types representing length
         //in physical units etc ( as shown below
         template <typename CtrlPtSeq,typename V>
         struct apply : quanta::meta::binary_op<
            typename quanta::seq::at<0>::template apply<
            >::type // at is equivalenat of s[0]

         // calc function
         template <typename CtrlPtSeq,typename V>
         typename apply<CtrlPtSeq,V>::type
         operator()(CtrlPtSeq const & s,V const & v)const
            using quanta::seq::num_elements;

            return get_bezier_constant<
            * quanta::quan::pow<num_elements<
            >(1 - v)
            * quanta::seq::at<0,quanta::fun::as_cref>()(s);

      // non zero iterations
      template <int Iter>
      struct bezier_impl_eval{
         // result type deduction
         // recursively compute result type
         //from results of previous iterations
         template <typename CtrlPtSeq,typename V>
         struct apply : quanta::meta::binary_op<
            typename bezier_impl_eval<
            >::template apply<CtrlPtSeq,V>::type,
            typename quanta::seq::at<
            >::template apply<CtrlPtSeq>::type

         template <typename CtrlPtSeq,typename V>
         typename apply<CtrlPtSeq,V>::type
         operator()(CtrlPtSeq const & s,V const & v)const
            using quanta::seq::num_elements;

            return bezier_impl_eval<Iter-1>()(s,v)
            // do calc recursively
            + get_bezier_constant<
               num_elements<CtrlPtSeq>::value, Iter
            * quanta::quan::pow<Iter>(v)
            // pow is equivalent std::pow(d,n)
            //with compile time bezier_impl_eval on exp
            * quanta::quan::pow<num_elements<
            >::value - (Iter + 1)>(1 - v)
            * quanta::seq::at<Iter,quanta::fun::as_cref>()(s);
   //Holds a sequence of ctrl pts
   //auto detects algorith constants from length of sequence
   template <typename CtrlPtSeq>
   struct get_bezier_impl{
      // ctor argument is the control point sequence
      // to be evaluated
      get_bezier_impl( CtrlPtSeq const & s_in): s(s_in){}
      // result of functor is result_type of final eval
      template <typename V>
      struct apply : detail::bezier_impl_eval<
      >::template apply<CtrlPtSeq,V>{};

      // V is arithmetic
      template <typename V>
      typename apply<V>::type
      operator()(V const & v)const
         if((v >= V(0)) && (v <= V(1))){
            return detail::bezier_impl_eval<
         throw std::out_of_range("bezier pos out of range");
      CtrlPtSeq const & s;

// function removes requirement on explicit template param.
template <typename CtrlPtSeq>
bez_calculator(CtrlPtSeq const & s)
    return impl::get_bezier_impl<CtrlPtSeq>(s);
// for physical quantities
namespace si = quanta::quan::quick_start;

template <typename CtPts>
void do_bezier_pt( CtPts const & s, double const & p)
   std::cout << "With ctrl pts :\n";
   std::cout << "At " << p << " result point = "
   << bez_calculator(s)(p) << "\n\n";

int main()


   // type of sequence of ctrl points for
   // 2d points of length in mm.
   typedef si::length::mm mm;
   typedef quanta::seq::vector2<mm,mm> pt2;
   typedef quanta::seq::vector4<pt2,pt2,pt2,pt2> ct_pts2d4;

      ct_pts2d4 pts2(


      // also works for 3d points...
      typedef quanta::seq::vector3<mm,mm,mm> pt3;
      typedef quanta::seq::vector4<pt3,pt3,pt3,pt3> ct_pts3D4;

      ct_pts3D4 pts3(


      typedef quanta::seq::vector5<pt3,pt3,pt3,pt3,pt3> ct_pts3D5;

      ct_pts3D5 pts3a(


   catch ( std::exception & e){
      std::cout << "Caught \"" << e.what() << "\"";

/* output:

With ctrl pts :
(0 mm,0 mm)
(0.1 mm,0.1 mm)
(2 mm,1 mm)
(3 mm,1 mm)
At 0 result point = (0 mm,0 mm)

With ctrl pts :
(0 mm,0 mm)
(0.1 mm,0.1 mm)
(2 mm,1 mm)
(3 mm,1 mm)
At 0.5 result point = (1.1625 mm,0.5375 mm)

With ctrl pts :
(0 mm,0 mm)
(0.1 mm,0.1 mm)
(2 mm,1 mm)
(3 mm,1 mm)
At 1 result point = (3 mm,1 mm)

With ctrl pts :
(0 mm,0 mm,0 mm)
(0.1 mm,0.1 mm,0.1 mm)
(2 mm,1 mm,-1 mm)
(3 mm,1 mm,0 mm)
At 0.5 result point = (1.1625 mm,0.5375 mm,-0.3375 mm)

With ctrl pts :
(0 mm,0 mm,0 mm)
(0.1 mm,0.1 mm,0.1 mm)
(0.2 mm,0.3 mm,0.8 mm)
(2 mm,1 mm,-1 mm)
(3 mm,1 mm,0 mm)
At 0.1 result point = (0.04638 mm,0.04744 mm,0.06444 mm)


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