allocator: No such file or directory
I'm following the example in "C++ Templates: The Complete Guide",
section 5.4 Template Template Parameters.
It's basics/stack8.hpp example has a statement of "#include <allocator>",
but I got an error for it.
$ cat -n
1 #include <allocator>
3 template< typename ALLOC = std::allocator<ELEM2> >
4 class c {};
6 template <typename T,
7 template <typename ELEM,
8 typename ALLOC = std::allocator<ELEM> >
9 class CONT = std::deque>
10 class Stack {
11 }
13 int main()
14 {
15 }
$ g++ -g -o allocator error: allocator: No such file or directory
How to fix the above so that it compiles fine?
FYI, why template template:
5.4 Template Template Parameters
It can be useful to allow a template parameter itself to be a class
template. Again, our stack class template can be used as an example. To
use a different internal container for stacks, the application programmer
has to specify the element type twice. Thus, to specify the type of the
internal container, you have to pass the type of the container and the
type of its elements again:
Stack<int,std::vector<int> > vStack; // integer stack that uses a vector
Using template template parameters allows you to declare the Stack class
template by specifying the type of the container without respecifying the
type of its elements:
stack<int,std::vector> vStack; // integer stack that uses a vector
To do this you must specify the second template parameter as a template
template parameter...