Re: STL container question

Lars Tetzlaff <>
Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:29:40 +0200
Ioannis Vranos schrieb:

Lars Tetzlaff wrote:


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <cstddef>
#include <algorithm>

class SomeClass
    typedef std::vector<int> TypeVector;

    TypeVector vec;

    enum { VectorSize= 1000 };



    bool operator<(const SomeClass &argSomeClass) const
        return vec[0]< argSomeClass.vec[0];

int main()
    using namespace std;


    const size_t SIZE=10000;

    typedef vector<SomeClass> Vector;
    typedef list<SomeClass> List;

    cout<< "\nCreating vector with "<< SIZE<< " elements..."<< flush;
    Vector vec(SIZE);

    cout<<" Done!\n\n"<< flush;

===> List lis;

    cout<< "Filling list with vector elements..."<< flush;

    for(Vector::size_type i= 0; i< vec.size(); ++i)

    cout<< " Done!\n\n"<< flush;

    clock_t timeBeginVector, timeEndVector, timeBeginList, timeEndList;

    cout<< "Timing the sorting of the vector..."<< flush;

    timeBeginVector= clock();

    sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());

    timeEndVector= clock();

    cout<< " Done!\n\n"<< flush;

    cout<< "Timing the sorting of the list..."<< flush;

    timeBeginList= clock();


    timeEndList= clock();

    cout<< " Done!\n\n"<< flush;

    cout<< "The sorting of the vector took "
        << static_cast<double>((timeEndVector- timeBeginVector))/
        << " seconds\n\n";

    cout<< "The sorting of the list took "
        << static_cast<double>((timeEndList- timeBeginList))/
        << " seconds\n\n";

    using namespace std;

    for(TypeVector::size_type i= 0; i< vec.size(); ++i)
        vec[i]= rand();

    sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());

This program doesn't sort at all, because the vec is initialized with
one constant!

? Yes it is initalised with its number of elements, which are SomeClass
objects created with their default constructor.

On my system all values are equal. The constructor is only called once!
The other elements are initialized with a copy of this SomeClass object!

There are two vecs in the code. Please be more specific, which are you
referring to?

Vector vec(SIZE); in main.


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