Re: size of array
Perhaps we'd have some new syntax like:
char *p = new char [100];
const size_t n = std::allocation_size(p);
This is what I suggested above: I like the idea! Why did this not
figure into the original design of new[]/delete[]? No one seems to be
able to answer this question!
I could imagine some code like:
char *p = new char [100];
void f(char *ptr) {
const size_t n = std::allocation_size(ptr);
... do something with whatever ptr points to
But what if we want do this:
const char x[] = "hello";
const char *p = x;
const char *p2 = p;
What will happen when we call f(char *) above?
My suggestion: undefined behavior. Like all array operations in C++,
the onus of correctness is on the user, not the language.
Given this std::vector seems a wiser choice to me. Or perhaps I
completely misunderstood what you meant. Could you please clarify?
std::vector <T> p;
std::allocation_size(&p[0]) == p.capacity()
Obviously, this isn't a constraint that should be imposed on
std::vector, but illustrates how an implementation of std::vector
could use such a facility to improve efficiency.
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