Re: how to use a pool

Salt_Peter <>
Tue, 25 Nov 2008 20:58:22 -0800 (PST)
On Nov 25, 9:20 pm, abir <> wrote:

I am interested to allocate and deallocate lots of objects of same
type (and of course size). As the deallocation will take place in
random order and also the maximum number of objects at any time is not
known (though i have a hint), i can't use a vector for this purpose.

Why can't you use a vector with a reserve()?

Thus i developed a memory pool for fixed objects(an allocator).
i can make the pool as a template of object type or object size.
at present what i am doing is,
  template<size_t sz>struct mypool;
  struct myobj;
  mypool<sizeof(myobj)> pool(1024);///1024 -> typical pool size
  void* ptr = pool.allocate();
  myobj* obj = new(ptr)(x,y,z);////where x,y,z are myobj constructor

similarly te destruction is done as,

if i want to have a single step solution for them like
template<typename T> struct mypool;
 myobj* ptr = pool.create(x,y,z);
 Here he first step (ie create ) i can't write as i can't forward the
x,y,z to the class constructor.
I have to use a copy constructor like,
 myobj* ptr = pool.create(myobj(x,y,z));
any myobj doesn't have one!.

The most simplistic i wanted to write is of course overloading new &
delete for myobj like
sruct myobj{
   static void* new(size_t sz,mypool<sizeof(myobj)>& p){
    return p.allocate();
  static void delete(void* ptr,mypool<sizeof(myobj)>& p){

and using it as,
  mypool<sizeof(myobj)> pool(1024);
  myobj* obj = new (pool)(x,y,z);
  delete (pool) obj;

However this fancy syntax is not supported by C++ .

Old time Casting is dangerous at best, you don't know whether a
static_cast, a dynamic cast or a reinterpret cast was carried out.
Thats bad news in C++, lie to the compiler at your own peril.

C++ supports better syntax than the above, difference is allocation
and deallocation is automatic should you choose to do it that way
(less bugs, easier to maintain, a breeze to expand, debugging is much

#include <deque>

template< typename T >
class Container
  std::deque< T > dt;
  Container( const std::size_t Size,
             const T& t = T() ) : dt(Size, t) { }
  typedef typename std::deque< T >::iterator iterator;

int main()
  // don't blink
  Container< double > container(10, 1.1);
  Container< std::string > strings(100, "default");
  Container< char > bytes(1000, 'a');

T must be copyable and assignable, as usual.

Any code that says "store a bunch of blocks of memory each equivalent
to sizeof(myobj) and then ignore the type inserted in those blocks" is
a pure nightmare. If i say that the apple is an orange then its an
orange, i don't think so? Thats like buying insurance from an ice-
cream salesman.

(Note: i can't make mypool<sizeof(myobj)> a static member of myobj.
They are to be allocated
from different thread with each one has its own private pool.)

So my choice is option 2, but any way can i make that forwarding take
place without copy constructor ? something like boost inplace factory?
Or can i have any more elegant method to solve this ?

A side question,
  I was using boost lambda & function combination something as
  function<bool(int)> f = _1 < 5;
or function<void(myobj)> print = std::cout<<_1;
recently wen i was testing it with gcc c++0x mode (also MSVC TR1)
all complains lambda is not overloaded with those operators.Was those
fancy things are BLL specific and not present in std?

Thanks in advance

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