optimizing function

puneet vyas <puneetit4@gmail.com>
Thu, 26 Feb 2009 00:57:08 -0800 (PST)
hello, this is the function i wrote for making a series of directory
and subdirectory,is there any optimized way of doing the operation
which i am doing,i mean using string functions without iterating over

// recursive directories.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "WriteDir.h"
#include <afx.h>
#include <CString>
#include <direct.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

BOOL WriteDirectory(CString dd)

HANDLE fFile; // File Handle
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileinfo; // File Information Structure
CStringArray m_arr; // CString Array to hold Directory
vector<string> paths;
BOOL tt; // BOOL used to test if Create
Directory was successful
int x1 = 0; // Counter
CString tem = ""; // Temporary CString Object
string temporary="";
// Before we go to a lot of work.
// Does the file exist

fFile = FindFirstFile(dd,&fileinfo);

// if the file exists and it is a directory
if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Directory Exists close file and return
return TRUE;

int length=dd.GetLength();
string dir=dd;
int length1=dir.length();
// Not really necessary - Just habit
for(x1=0;x1<length;x1++) // Parse the supplied CString Directory
if(dd.GetAt(x1) != '\\') // if the Charachter is not a \
tem += dd.GetAt(x1); // else add character to Temp String
m_arr.Add(tem); // if the Character is a \ Add the Temp
String to the CString Array
tem += "\\"; // Now add the \ to the temp string
if(x1 == length-1) // If we reached the end of the file add the
remaining string

// Close the file
int size=m_arr.GetSize();
// Now lets cycle through the String Array and create each directory
in turn
tem = m_arr.GetAt(x1);
tt = CreateDirectory(tem,NULL);

// If the Directory exists it will return a false
// If we were successful we set the attributes to normal
// Now lets see if the directory was successfully created
fFile = FindFirstFile(dd,&fileinfo);

// if the file exists and it is a directory
if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Directory Exists close file and return
return TRUE;
return FALSE;


BOOL WriteDirectory(string dd)

    HANDLE fFile; // File Handle
    WIN32_FIND_DATA fileinfo; // File Information Structure
    // CString Array to hold Directory Structures
    //vector<string> paths;
    BOOL tt; // BOOL used to test if Create
Directory was successful
    int x1 = 0; // Counter
    string tem = ""; // Temporary CString Object

    // Before we go to a lot of work.
    // Does the file exist

    fFile = FindFirstFile(dd.c_str(),&fileinfo);

    // if the file exists and it is a directory
    if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        // Directory Exists close file and return
        return TRUE;

    int length=dd.length();

    for(x1=0;x1<length;x1++) // Parse the supplied CString
Directory String
        if(dd.at(x1) != '\\') // if the Charachter is not a \
            tem += dd.at(x1); // else add character to Temp

            tt = CreateDirectory(tem.c_str(),NULL);

            // if the Character is a \ Add the Temp String to the
CString Array
            tem += "\\"; // Now add the \ to the temp

        if(x1 == length-1) // If we reached the end of the file
add the remaining string
            // paths.push_back(tem);
            tt = CreateDirectory(tem.c_str(),NULL);


    // Close the file

    // Now lets see if the directory was successfully created
    fFile = FindFirstFile(dd.c_str(),&fileinfo);

    // if the file exists and it is a directory
    if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        // Directory Exists close file and return
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //string Fullpath[];
    //_mkdir ();
    int IsDirectoryCreated=WriteDirectory("c:\\puneettest1\\test2");


        cout<<"dir created\n";
    char buffer[3400];
    char *p=buffer;
    int i;




    return 0;

// recursive directories.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "WriteDir.h"
#include <afx.h>
#include <CString>
#include <direct.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

BOOL WriteDirectory(CString dd)

HANDLE fFile; // File Handle
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileinfo; // File Information Structure
CStringArray m_arr; // CString Array to hold Directory
vector<string> paths;
BOOL tt; // BOOL used to test if Create
Directory was successful
int x1 = 0; // Counter
CString tem = ""; // Temporary CString Object
string temporary="";
// Before we go to a lot of work.
// Does the file exist

fFile = FindFirstFile(dd,&fileinfo);

// if the file exists and it is a directory
if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Directory Exists close file and return
return TRUE;

int length=dd.GetLength();
string dir=dd;
int length1=dir.length();
// Not really necessary - Just habit
for(x1=0;x1<length;x1++) // Parse the supplied CString Directory
if(dd.GetAt(x1) != '\\') // if the Charachter is not a \
tem += dd.GetAt(x1); // else add character to Temp String
m_arr.Add(tem); // if the Character is a \ Add the Temp
String to the CString Array
tem += "\\"; // Now add the \ to the temp string
if(x1 == length-1) // If we reached the end of the file add the
remaining string

// Close the file
int size=m_arr.GetSize();
// Now lets cycle through the String Array and create each directory
in turn
tem = m_arr.GetAt(x1);
tt = CreateDirectory(tem,NULL);

// If the Directory exists it will return a false
// If we were successful we set the attributes to normal
// Now lets see if the directory was successfully created
fFile = FindFirstFile(dd,&fileinfo);

// if the file exists and it is a directory
if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Directory Exists close file and return
return TRUE;
return FALSE;


BOOL WriteDirectory(string dd)

    HANDLE fFile; // File Handle
    WIN32_FIND_DATA fileinfo; // File Information Structure
    // CString Array to hold Directory Structures
    //vector<string> paths;
    BOOL tt; // BOOL used to test if Create
Directory was successful
    int x1 = 0; // Counter
    string tem = ""; // Temporary CString Object

    // Before we go to a lot of work.
    // Does the file exist

    fFile = FindFirstFile(dd.c_str(),&fileinfo);

    // if the file exists and it is a directory
    if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        // Directory Exists close file and return
        return TRUE;

    int length=dd.length();

    for(x1=0;x1<length;x1++) // Parse the supplied CString
Directory String
        if(dd.at(x1) != '\\') // if the Charachter is not a \
            tem += dd.at(x1); // else add character to Temp

            tt = CreateDirectory(tem.c_str(),NULL);

            // if the Character is a \ Add the Temp String to the
CString Array
            tem += "\\"; // Now add the \ to the temp

        if(x1 == length-1) // If we reached the end of the file
add the remaining string
            // paths.push_back(tem);
            tt = CreateDirectory(tem.c_str(),NULL);


    // Close the file

    // Now lets see if the directory was successfully created
    fFile = FindFirstFile(dd.c_str(),&fileinfo);

    // if the file exists and it is a directory
    if(fileinfo.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        // Directory Exists close file and return
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //string Fullpath[];
    //_mkdir ();
    int IsDirectoryCreated=WriteDirectory("c:\\puneettest1\\test2");


        cout<<"dir created\n";
    char buffer[3400];
    char *p=buffer;
    int i;




    return 0;

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