Re: Good or bad code?

"Daniel T." <>
Sun, 08 Mar 2009 20:58:17 -0400
In article <49b3bb4d$0$90265$>,
 "mlt" <> wrote:

I am writing a function that takes a reference P to a
std::vector<std::vector<int> >. Before calling this function I don't know
the dimensions of P. I need to define those in the function and I need to
read form all elements in P.

Here is some sample code:

However, I suggest you use a vector internally, like this:

class BadIndex : public std::logic_error { };

   template < typename T >
         : rows_(rows)
         , cols_(cols)
         , data_(rows * cols)



   // other member-functions to taste

But is this how it should be done? Seems a bit clumsy to me.

It's still a bit clumsy... It would be nice to have some iterators and
some resize functions.

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