Re: typedef float float4[4]; std::vector<float4>; does not compile, why?

Brian Cole <>
Tue, 19 May 2009 10:55:03 -0700 (PDT)
On May 19, 11:18 am, Jeff Schwab <> wrote:

Brian Cole wrote:

On May 19, 10:34 am, Jeff Schwab <> wrote:

Brian Cole wrote:

On May 19, 2:01 am, SG <> wrote:

On 19 Mai, 00:12, Brian Cole <> wrote:

The following code will not compile in gcc 4.3.2 on Ubuntu 8.10
#include <vector>
typedef float float4[4];
int main()
  std::vector<float4> vals;

As Alf said, float4 doesn't satisfy the vector templates' requiremen=


as a value type.
If your C++ implementation ships with the TR1 library extension or y=


can install some TR1 implementation and/or Boost you could solve thi=


problem via:
  typedef std::tr1::array<float,4> float4;

Apparently GCC considers this a bug (
show_bug.cgi?id=40192). So now I'm doubly confused.

It wasn't a bug. They should not have "fixed" it.

I'm not a language lawyer, is "float4" a pointer to an array of 4
floats? Or is it an array of 4 floats?

It's an array (in your original post). C++ raw arrays decay to
pointers, but that's not something you should need to worry about unle=


you're manually laying out memory. You almost never should need a r=


array. Forget about raw arrays.

Basically if we define float4_t
as "struct float4_t { float x,y,z,w; };" is std::vector<float4>
equivalent to std::vector<float4_t> or std::vector<float4_t *>.

Neither. std::vector<float[4]> shouldn't even be legal.

FYI, the reason this arose is because I am toying with the OpenCL
libraries which defines the type:


If it truly is illegal I think OpenCL should change the definition to
a struct to be friendlier with C++.

Khronos probably should have defined:

        struct float4 { float values[4]; }

In C, though, it is common to use arrays directly as containers, for
historical reasons, and OpenCL is apparently based on C99. OpenCL is
full of other C-related nastiness, too; for example, it defines names
like float4 directly in the global namespace. Namespace pollution is a
real problem in large programs.

One easy way around the vector<float4> problem is to wrap float4 in your
own class.

There is a C++ wrapper layer being developed on top of OpenCL: It will be part of
the 1.1 standard.

This is perhaps a nastiness that should be dealt with there now that I
am thoroughly convinced that cl_float4 does not play nice with C++.


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