Shallow copy and long long double on gcc 3.4.5
Hi there,
after the posts about dumping objects' raw memory I've played with it
a bit and I've come to discover that the compiler-created shallow copy
does some kind of memcopy on the two objects, starting from [object's
base address] up to [last member address + last member size].
Meanwhile, I've discovered that the compiler accepts the "long long
double" type declaration but treats it as "long long int".
The compiler is my usual MinGW release: gcc 3.4.5.
Well, this thread is just to show this new snippet of mine (that I
used to study the disposition in memory of differently sized members)
and to take the chance of receiving further good advices from the
community, which are welcome as always.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
matches type id against default ones,
returns id's full name
template<class T> string type_of() {
string id = typeid(T).name();
if (id == typeid(bool).name())
id = "bool";
else if (id == typeid(unsigned char).name())
id = "unsigned char";
else if (id == typeid(char).name())
id = "char";
else if (id == typeid(signed char).name())
id = "signed char";
else if (id == typeid(short).name())
id = "short";
else if (id == typeid(unsigned short).name())
id = "unsigned short";
else if (id == typeid(int).name())
id = "int";
else if (id == typeid(unsigned int).name())
id = "unsigned int";
else if (id == typeid(long).name())
id = "long";
else if (id == typeid(unsigned long).name())
id = "unsigned long";
else if (id == typeid(long long).name())
id = "long long";
else if (id == typeid(unsigned long long).name())
id = "unsigned long long";
else if (id == typeid(float).name())
id = "float";
else if (id == typeid(double).name())
id = "double";
else if (id == typeid(long double).name())
id = "long double";
your compiler may choke on the following "long long double" type,
comment out the following "else if" block, in such case
else if (id == typeid(long long double).name()) {
id = "long long double";
return id;
helper function used by six_types::print(),
prints info about an object
into the passed stream
template<class T> void detail_obj(ostream& os,
const string& name,
const T& obj,
size_t wasted,
size_t parent_addr = 0) {
const size_t obj_addr = size_t(&obj);
os << name << ", " << showbase << hex << obj_addr;
if (parent_addr <= obj_addr) {
os << dec << " (p." << obj_addr - parent_addr << ")";
os << ", " << dec << sizeof(T) << "B, " << type_of<T>();
if (wasted) {
os << ", " << wasted << "B wasted";
os << endl;
helper function, used below by six_types::print()
void hexbytes_w_chars(ostream& os,
char ch,
int used,
int empty) {
os << string(used * 2, ch) << string(empty * 2, ' ');
helper function, used below by six_types::print()
void hexbytes_w_brackets(ostream& os,
int used,
int empty) {
os << "[" << string((used-1)*2, ' ') << "]";
os << string(empty * 2, ' ');
the syx_types class - "Oh, really?" ;-)
template<class M0, class M1, class M2, class M3, class M4, class M5>
class six_types {
M0 m0;
M1 m1;
M2 m2;
M3 m3;
M4 m4;
M5 m5;
template<class T, class U>
static size_t addr_diff(const T& t, const U& u) {
size_t st = size_t(&t);
size_t su = size_t(&u);
return max(st, su) - min(st, su);
six_types() : m0(0), m1(0), m2(0), m3(0), m4(0), m5(0) {}
size_t used_size() const {
return sizeof(M0)
+ sizeof(M1)
+ sizeof(M2)
+ sizeof(M3)
+ sizeof(M4)
+ sizeof(M5);
template<class T>
void set_to(const T& k) {
m0 = M0(k);
m1 = M1(k);
m2 = M2(k);
m3 = M3(k);
m4 = M4(k);
m5 = M5(k);
prints class members' data to passed stream,
returns members' disposition in memory as
- pair.first: named hexbytes
- pair.second: bracketed hexbytes
pair<string, string> print(ostream& os) const {
size_t sot = sizeof(*this);
size_t s0 = sizeof(M0);
size_t s1 = sizeof(M1);
size_t s2 = sizeof(M2);
size_t s3 = sizeof(M3);
size_t s4 = sizeof(M4);
size_t s5 = sizeof(M5);
/* wasted space */
size_t w0 = addr_diff(m0, m1) - s0;
size_t w1 = addr_diff(m1, m2) - s1;
size_t w2 = addr_diff(m2, m3) - s2;
size_t w3 = addr_diff(m3, m4) - s3;
size_t w4 = addr_diff(m4, m5) - s4;
size_t w5 = sot - addr_diff(m5, *this) - s5;
os << "TypeName: " << typeid(this).name() << endl;
size_t this_addr = size_t(this);
detail_obj(os, "A", m0, w0, this_addr);
detail_obj(os, "B", m1, w1, this_addr);
detail_obj(os, "C", m2, w2, this_addr);
detail_obj(os, "D", m3, w3, this_addr);
detail_obj(os, "E", m4, w4, this_addr);
detail_obj(os, "F", m5, w5, this_addr);
os << "---" << endl;
size_t w = sot - used_size();
if (w) {
os << "Total " << sot;
os << "B, wasted " << w << "B (";
os << setprecision(2);
os << 100.0 * w / sot << "%)" << endl;
} else {
os << "All " << sot << "B used, no space wasted" << endl;
os << "---" << endl;
ostringstream oss1;
hexbytes_w_chars(oss1, 'A', s0, w0);
hexbytes_w_chars(oss1, 'B', s1, w1);
hexbytes_w_chars(oss1, 'C', s2, w2);
hexbytes_w_chars(oss1, 'D', s3, w3);
hexbytes_w_chars(oss1, 'E', s4, w4);
hexbytes_w_chars(oss1, 'F', s5, w5);
ostringstream oss2;
hexbytes_w_brackets(oss2, s0, w0);
hexbytes_w_brackets(oss2, s1, w1);
hexbytes_w_brackets(oss2, s2, w2);
hexbytes_w_brackets(oss2, s3, w3);
hexbytes_w_brackets(oss2, s4, w4);
hexbytes_w_brackets(oss2, s5, w5);
return make_pair(oss1.str(), oss2.str());
}; // end of six_types class
dumps passed object's raw memory
into passed stream as a sequence of hexbytes
template<class T>
void dump_obj_memory(ostream& os, const T& obj) {
const uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&obj);
os << noshowbase << nouppercase << hex << setfill('0');
for (size_t i = 0, e = sizeof(T); i < e; ++i) {
os << setw(2) << uint16_t(*(p + i));
returns passed object's raw memory as a string of hexbytes
template<class T> string dump_obj_memory(const T& obj) {
ostringstream oss;
dump_obj_memory(oss, obj);
return oss.str();
crunches object's raw memory
WARNING! overwrites _ALL_ object's data!
WARNING! invalidates any pointer into the object!
template<class T> void crunch(T* obj,
bool usepattern = true,
uint8_t c = 0) {
/// careful with that axe, Eugene...
uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj);
if (usepattern) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = sizeof(T); i < e; ++i) {
switch (i % 4) {
case 0: *(p + i) = 0xDE; break;
case 1: *(p + i) = 0xAD; break;
case 2: *(p + i) = 0xBE; break;
case 3: *(p + i) = 0xEF; break;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0, e = sizeof(T); i < e; ++i) {
*(p + i) = c;
returns a string of markers (to visually index memory dumps)
string hexbyte_markers(size_t from, size_t to, size_t step = 4) {
ostringstream oss;
oss << to;
size_t backs = oss.str().size();
oss << left << setfill('\'');
for (size_t i = from; i < to; i+=step) {
oss << setw(step*2) << i;
string s = oss.str();
oss << to;
s.replace(s.size() - backs, backs, oss.str());
return s;
writes to stream the passed strings,
breaking them in chunks and
interleaving chunks on different lines
void interleave(ostream& os,
const vector<string>& vs,
size_t limit = 64,
char delimiter = '|') {
size_t maxpos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0, e = vs.size(); i < e; ++i) {
maxpos = max(maxpos, vs[i].size());
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < maxpos; pos += limit) {
for (size_t i = 0, e = vs.size(); i < e; ++i) {
os << delimiter << vs[i].substr(pos, limit);
os << delimiter << endl;
os << endl;
testing routine for the syx_types class
WARNING! calls the "crunch" function on the passed types!
read the warnings of the "crunch" function up above
template<class M0, class M1, class M2, class M3, class M4, class M5>
void test(const string& s) {
six_types<M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5> six;
cout << endl << string(64, '*') << endl << endl;
cout << "# test(\"" << s << "\")" << endl;
pair<string, string> res;
res = six.print(cout);
vector<string> v;
v.push_back(hexbyte_markers(0, sizeof(six)));
cout << "\nMembers dislocation:\n" << endl;
interleave(cout, v, 48);
cout << endl << endl;
struct assign_copy {
uint8_t a;
uint64_t b;
uint8_t c;
assign_copy(uint8_t i = 0) : a(i), b(i), c(i) {}
assign_copy& operator=(const assign_copy& obj) {
a = obj.a;
b = obj.b;
c = obj.c;
return *this;
struct shallow_copy {
uint8_t a;
uint64_t b;
uint8_t c;
shallow_copy(uint8_t i = 0) : a(i), b(i), c(i) {}
int main() {
test <shallow_copy,
char> ("shallow copy");
your compiler may choke on the following "long long double" type
cout << "type_of<long long double>() == ";
cout << type_of<long long double>() << endl;
return 0;
# test("shallow copy")
TypeName: PK9six_typesI12shallow_copy11assign_copyccccE
A, 0x23fe60 (p.0), 24B, 12shallow_copy
B, 0x23fe78 (p.24), 24B, 11assign_copy
C, 0x23fe90 (p.48), 1B, char
D, 0x23fe91 (p.49), 1B, char
E, 0x23fe92 (p.50), 1B, char
F, 0x23fe93 (p.51), 1B, char, 4B wasted
Total 56B, wasted 4B (7.1%)
Members dislocation:
|[ ]|
|[ ]|
|[][][][] |
type_of<long long double>() == long long
The memory dump of the A member (shallow_copy) shows a "f04a4500"
pattern in the first chunk of unused memory (range [1-7]) while the
second chunk (range [17-23]) shows the crunched "deadbeef" pattern.
The B member (assign_copy) instead shows the "deadbeef" pattern in
both chunks of unused memory.
This all seems to confirm that the compiler-generated shallow copy
does some kind of memcopy instead of performing a member to member
Thanks a lot for your attention,
best regards,
Francesco S. Carta, hobbyist