Re: Wrong

"Leigh Johnston" <>
Sun, 18 Apr 2010 14:11:53 +0100
"Pete Becker" <> wrote in message

Leigh Johnston wrote:

"?? Tiib" <> wrote in message

On 18 apr, 15:27, "Leigh Johnston" <> wrote:

Yes and even within the context you are talking about Alf disagreed
with the
fact that the code was wrong. Code that does not invoke UB is not
necessarily correct. In this particular case the merits of the code
which I
presented can be considered in isolation.

I totally agree with Pete.
Context was that OP was seeking RAII without zero-initializing memory
space, since the performance issues on specific platform. Suggestion
to use vector was yours.
Alf claimed that yes, reserve()'d raw space can be used without
causing UB and RAII works and no zero-initialization, exactly like OP
Silly code posted here was also yours.
Alf again said that yes, it works everywhere without causing UB.
Now you totally go out of limits claiming that the code was meant as
some sort of example how to use vectors.

No, the code was an attempt to ascertain clearly what Alf was asserting,

By your own rules, context doesn't matter, so you can't invoke context to
claim that someone has misstated what you said.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of
"The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference"

Of course context can matter, I am claiming that a particular piece of code
is *always* wrong irrespective of context. You seem unable to grasp this.
Here it is again:

void foo()
    std::vector<int> v;
    *(&v[0]+1) = 42;

Anyone who thinks quality is important will agree with me that this piece of
code is wrong.


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