Re: member iterator - request for comment

Mikosz <>
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 17:45:17 CST
Paul, thanks for the quick reply.

On 22 Cze, 01:35, Paul Bibbings <> wrote:

Mikosz <> writes:

[...] to perform some action on one of the members of each of the
collection's elements. I couldn't find any solutions within the STL,

    #include <vector>
    #include <set>
    #include <algorithm>

    struct A {
       A(int v) : val(v) { } // added for convenience here
       int val;

    struct val_functor {
       int operator()(A a) { return a.val; }

    int main()
       std::vector<A> as;
       std::set<int> vals;
       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) as.push_back(i);

                      std::inserter(vals, vals.begin()),

Good point, I actually forgot about 'transform'. However, a solution
that would allow me not to implement an extracting functor would be
much neater. Again - I don't know of any existing solutions, so I
crafted my own. What do you think of this:

template<class PointerToMember, class Member>
class Extractor {

     Extractor(PointerToMember ptr) :
         ptr_(ptr) {

     template<class T>
     Member& operator()(T& object) {
         return object.*ptr_;

     template<class T>
     const Member& operator()(const T& object) const {
         return object.*ptr_;


     PointerToMember ptr_;


template <class Member, class PointerToMember>
Extractor<PointerToMember, Member> makeExtractor(PointerToMember ptr)
     return Extractor<PointerToMember, Member>(ptr);

struct A {
     A(int v) :
         val(v) {
     int val;

int main() {
     std::vector<A> as;
     std::set<int> vals;
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

     std::transform(as.begin(), as.end(), std::inserter(vals,
vals.begin()), makeExtractor<int>(&A::val));
     std::copy(vals.begin(), vals.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));

std::copy(makeMemberIterator<int>(as.begin(), &A::val),
makeMemberIterator<int>(as.end(), &A::val), std::back_inserter(vals));

and it works just fine.

I wouldn't have thought that the above would work at all. Given that
your vals is of type std::set<int>, I would have expected the above line
of code to fail on std::set not defining push_back.

Sure, that was a typing error. Should be std::inserter instead of
std::back_inserter in there.

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