index of std::vector with condition

Philipp Kraus <>
Mon, 12 Jul 2010 23:50:13 +0200
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is there a fast way to create a index with condition of a std::vector?
For illustrating:

I have a vector mydata with some data and I would like to create a
vector with unique elements

std::vector<T> l_unique( mydata );
std::sort( l_unique.begin(), l_unique.end() );
l_unique.erase( std::unique( l_unique.begin(), l_unique.end()),
l_unique.end() );

in the next step I will do this

std::vector< std::vector<std::size:t> > index;
for(std::size_t i=0; i < l_unique.size(); ++i) {
      std::vector<std::size_t> y;
      for(std::size_t n=0; n < mydata.size(); ++n)
    if (mydata[n] == l_unique[i])


Can I do this two for loops more efficient? I would like to get the
index position in my data vector from a unique set of the elements
within the vector.

Thanks for help

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<p class="p1">Hello,</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">is there a fast way to create a index with condition of a std::vector?</p>
<p class="p3">For illustrating:</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">I have a vector mydata with some data and I would like to create a vector with unique elements</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p4"><span class="s1">std</span>::<span class="s2">vector</span>&lt;<span class="s1">T</span>&gt; l_unique( mydata );</p>
<p class="p4"><span class="s1">std</span>::<span class="s3">sort</span>( l_unique.begin(), l_unique.end() );</p>
<p class="p4">l_unique.erase(<span class="Apple-converted-space">? </span><span class="s1">std</span>::<span class="s3">unique</span>( l_unique.begin(), l_unique.end()), l_unique.end()<span class="Apple-converted-space">? </span>);</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">in the next step I will do this</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">std::vector&lt; std::vector&lt;std::size:t&gt; &gt; index;</p>
<p class="p3">for(std::size_t i=0; i &lt; l_unique.size(); ++i) {</p>
<p class="p3"><span class="Apple-converted-space">? ? ? </span>std::vector&lt;std::size_t&gt; y;</p>
<p class="p2"><span class="Apple-converted-space">?? ? ?</span></p>
<p class="p3"><span class="Apple-converted-space">? ? ? </span>for(std::size_t n=0; n &lt; mydata.size(); ++n)</p>
<p class="p3"><span class="Apple-tab-span"> </span>if (mydata[n] == l_unique[i])</p>
<p class="p3"><span class="Apple-tab-span"> </span><span class="Apple-tab-span"> </span>y.push_back(n);</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3"><span class="Apple-tab-span"> </span>index.push_back(y);</p>
<p class="p3">}</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">Can I do this two for loops more efficient? I would like to get the index position in my data vector from a unique set of the elements within the vector.</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">Thanks for help</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
<p class="p3">Phil</p>

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