Re: Marshalling deques
On Aug 18, 10:53 am, Ebenezer <> wrote:
On Aug 18, 7:24 am, "Bo Persson" <> wrote:
There are additional bookkeping involved because the first and last
chunk may be only partially filled.
My example only indicates that as the last chunk, but, yes,
I agree. Not sure if your point is I'm assuming too much
about the implementation or what.
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <SendBuffer.hh>
#include <>
Msgs::Marshal (SendBuffer& buf
, ::std::deque<int> const& abt1
::std::deque<int >::const_iterator mediator3 = abt1.begin();
::std::deque<int >::const_iterator omega3 = abt1.end();
for (; mediator3 != omega3; ++mediator3) {
buf.Receive(&(*mediator3), sizeof(int));
optimizedMarshalling(SendBuffer& sendbuf
, ::std::deque<int> dq
, ::std::vector<int> indices
::std::vector<int>::iterator vprev = indices.begin();
::std::vector<int>::iterator vit = vprev + 1;
for (; vit != indices.end(); ++vit) {
sendbuf.Receive(&dq[*vprev], (*vit - *vprev) * sizeof(int));
vprev = vit;
sendbuf.Receive(&dq[*vprev], (dq.size() - *vprev) * sizeof(int));
::std::deque<int> adeque;
for (int j = 1; j <= 5000; ++j) {
int index = 1;
::std::vector<int> indices;
::std::deque<int>::iterator prev = adeque.begin();
::std::deque<int>::iterator it = prev + 1;
for (; it != adeque.end(); ++it) {
if (&*it != (&*prev + 1)) {
prev = it;
SendBuffer sendbuf;
Msgs msgs(400000);
struct timezone tz;
timeval before, after;
gettimeofday(&before, &tz);
msgs.Marshal(sendbuf, adeque);
gettimeofday(&after, &tz);
if (before.tv_sec != after.tv_sec) {
after.tv_usec += 1000000;
::std::cout << "Using deque iterators: " << after.tv_usec -
before.tv_usec << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "Buf size is " << sendbuf.getBufsize()
<< ::std::endl;
SendBuffer sendbuf;
struct timezone tz;
timeval before, after;
gettimeofday(&before, &tz);
optimizedMarshalling(sendbuf, adeque, indices);
gettimeofday(&after, &tz);
if (before.tv_sec != after.tv_sec) {
after.tv_usec += 1000000;
::std::cout << "Optimized approach:" << after.tv_usec -
before.tv_usec << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "Buf size is " << sendbuf.getBufsize()
<< ::std::endl;
return 1;
[gs]# ./dq_test
Using deque iterators: 487
Buf size is 20004
Optimized approach:280
Buf size is 20004
[gs]# ./dq_test
Using deque iterators: 500
Buf size is 20004
Optimized approach:278
Buf size is 20004
[gs]# ./dq_test
Using deque iterators: 478
Buf size is 20004
Optimized approach:277
Buf size is 20004
[gs]# ./dq_test
Using deque iterators: 472
Buf size is 20004
Optimized approach:299
Buf size is 20004
[gs]# ./dq_test
Using deque iterators: 476
Buf size is 20004
Optimized approach:275
Buf size is 20004
[gs]# ./dq_test
Using deque iterators: 473
Buf size is 20004
Optimized approach:301
Buf size is 20004
The approach that uses deque iterators takes between
1.5 and 1.8 times longer than the optimized approach.
The optimized approach is given the indices that it
needs and no time is added for that. I'm not sure how
long it would take for deque to provide the information,
but believe this optimization could be helpful.