Re: Dead Tree version of C++11?
David Brown <> writes:
ISO. It will also (probably) be cheaper and better quality than
printing it out yourself, and the binding will be better. It won't be
as nice as a "real" book, but maybe the OP would prefer it to a plain
pdf or a non-existent C++11 book.
I once bought the printed ANSI C standard from 1989 and can
report that this was not a ?real? book, but had a rather
large format (letter legal?) and a quite soft cover.
Another option, of course, is to get the 4th edition of the C++
Programming Language which is a fairly complete description of C++11 and
is a lot more readable than the standards document.
The explanation that ?::std::distance? in the case of a
non-random-access iterator will incrementally increment the
iterator until it has reached the second iterator might not
be extensive enough in this book. Thus, a reader of that
book fail to understand a program such as the following.
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>
int main()
{ using P = ::std::istream_iterator< char >;
::std::cout << distance( P{ ::std::cin }, P{} ) << '\n'; }
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