Template friend function not compiling (full working code example)

JiiPee <no@notvalid.com>
Thu, 22 Jan 2015 20:20:50 +0000
Sorry for last time not providing full code. Now I paste here the full
code so you can test the error yourself. I have GCC 4.8, debug build,
C++11 on, Windows XP. Error message: "error: declaration of 'operator*'
as non-function".

So I tried to add a simple multiplication function as a friend. And it
to be template function. But it conflicts with the other multiplication

It works if I commend out the other * operator (see the code).
Any idea how to fix this? thanks

Full console based code which does not compile:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T> class Vector2D2;
template <typename T> Vector2D2<T> operator * (const T& pointXY, const
Vector2D2<T>& point);

template <typename T>
class Vector2D2
     // if I commend this out the code compiles with no problems
     Vector2D2 operator * (const Vector2D2& point) const { return *this; }

     friend Vector2D2<T> operator* <> (const T& pointXY, const
Vector2D2<T>& point);

     int y;
     T b;

template <typename T>
Vector2D2<T> operator* (const T& pointXY, const Vector2D2<T>& point)
     Vector2D2<T> cc;
     cc.b = point.b * pointXY;
     return cc;

int main()
     Vector2D2<double> jj, mm;
     mm = 3.0 * jj;
     return 0;

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