Re: Deprecate the use of plain pointers as standard container iterators

"Peter Dimov" <>
Tue, 9 May 2006 21:35:59 CST
<> wrote:

Peter Dimov wrote:

Nicola Musatti wrote:

I belive that the use of plain pointers as iterator types for standard
library containers should be deprecated, because it limits genericity
and portability.

It also increases performance and presents more opportunities for

Can you provide an example of this on a modern optimising compiler, ie
where the optimiser does better with

int* i;

than it does with:

struct iterator { int* i };

About a year ago I spent quite a lot of time investigating if g++ 4 has
any problems when vector iterators are wrapped in a class, and couldn't
produce an example where the resulting assembler wasn't the same.

If you consider MSVC 7.1 a modern compiler:

#include <vector>

unsigned char w1[ 1024 ];
unsigned char w2[ 1024 ];

std::vector<unsigned char> v1( 1024 );
std::vector<unsigned char> v2( 1024 );

template<class It, class It2> void copy2( It first, It last, It2 out )
    for( ; first != last; ++first, ++out )
        *out = *first;

int main()
    copy2( w1, w1 + 1024, w2 );
    copy2( v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin() );

Here's the disassembly. The first line is replaced with the intrinsic
inline expansion of memcpy (rep movsd), the second results in a loop
that copies byte by byte. It's not even unrolled.


; 19 : copy2( w1, w1 + 1024, w2 );
; 20 : copy2( v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin() );

    mov eax, DWORD PTR ?v1@@3V?$vector@EV?$allocator@E@std@@@std@@A+4
    push esi
    push edi
    mov ecx, 256 ; 00000100H
    mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:?w1@@3PAEA ; w1
    mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:?w2@@3PAEA ; w2
    rep movsd
    mov esi, DWORD PTR ?v1@@3V?$vector@EV?$allocator@E@std@@@std@@A+8
    cmp eax, esi
    mov ecx, DWORD PTR ?v2@@3V?$vector@EV?$allocator@E@std@@@std@@A+4
    je SHORT $L7165
    mov dl, BYTE PTR [eax]
    inc eax
    mov BYTE PTR [ecx], dl
    inc ecx
    cmp eax, esi
    jne SHORT $L7144
    pop edi

; 21 : }

    xor eax, eax
    pop esi
    ret 0
_main ENDP

This example isn't fair, though, since 1024 is clearly visible to the
compiler and the vector size is not. But even if I level out the field
a bit:

extern size_t N;

int main()
    copy2( w1, w1 + N, w2 );
    copy2( v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin() );

the first line is still a memcpy:

; 21 : copy2( w1, w1 + N, w2 );

    mov ecx, DWORD PTR ?N@@3IA ; N
    lea ecx, DWORD PTR ?w1@@3PAEA[ecx]
    cmp ecx, OFFSET FLAT:?w1@@3PAEA ; w1
    push esi
    je SHORT $L7054
    sub ecx, OFFSET FLAT:?w1@@3PAEA ; w1
    mov eax, ecx
    push edi
    shr ecx, 2
    mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:?w1@@3PAEA ; w1
    mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:?w2@@3PAEA ; w2
    rep movsd
    mov ecx, eax
    and ecx, 3
    rep movsb
    pop edi

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