Re: Is it possible to use type traits as a template parameter?

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Fri, 12 May 2006 08:17:07 -0400
Raider wrote:

I'm trying to create a base class who will contain generic algoritms
and derived class(es) who will perform problem-specific things. I'm
unable to use dynamic polymorphism, because base class know nothing
about problem-specific types. I wrote the following code using static
polymorphism, but compiler do not allow me to use type traits as a
template parameter, the following code not compiles:

Of course it doesn't. It's missing some vital portions:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

template <class CT>
struct InfoClass
int id;
CT content;

template <class T, class TTraits>
struct SomeImpl
void go()
T *pT = static_cast<T*>(this);

void set_pointer(TTraits::ptrtype newptr)

void set_pointer(typename TTraits::ptrtype newptr)

ptr = newptr;

typedef InfoClass<TTraits::basetype> obj_type;

typedef InfoClass<typename TTraits::basetype> obj_type;

std::vector<obj_type> v;

TTraits::ptrtype ptr;

typename TTraits::ptrtype ptr;


struct SomeClassTraits
typedef int basetype;
typedef char* ptrtype;

struct SomeClass : public SomeImpl<SomeClass, SomeClassTraits>
void go_implementation()
cout << "SomeClass.go()" << endl;

std::cout << "SomeClass.go()" << std::endl;

// use ptr as a char*
// use v as a vector<InfoClass<int> >

void TestTemplateImpl()
SomeClass x;


Are there any possibilities to pass type traits to template as a
single argument?

I think you need to learn about "dependent names".

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