Re: Help converting this Write to operator<< overload

"Jim Langston" <>
Fri, 12 May 2006 08:54:08 -0700
"Marcus Kwok" <ricecake@gehennom.invalid> wrote in message

Jim Langston <> wrote:

I have a CSkill class which is rather complex as it is recursive. That

class CSkill
   CSkill( std::string Name, float Value ): Name_( Name ), Value_(
Value )
   void Update( const std::string& Name, const float Value );
   float Value( const std::string& Name ) const;
   float Sum( const std::string& Name ) const;
   void Write( std::ostream& os, const std::string& Prefix ) const;

   std::string CSkill::PlainName( const std::string& Name ) const;

   friend std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& is, CSkill& Skill);

   float Sum() const;

   std::string Name_;
   float Value_;
   std::map< std::string, CSkill > Skills_;


Well, to output this class to an ostream, I use this function:

void CSkill::Write( std::ostream& os, const std::string& Prefix ) const
   if ( Name_.length() > 0 && Value_ > 0 )
       os << Prefix << Name_ << " " << Value_ << std::endl;
   for ( std::map< std::string, CSkill >::const_iterator it =
Skills_.begin(); it != Skills_.end(); ++it )
       (*it).second.Write( os, ( Name_.length() > 0 ? Prefix + Name_ +
: "" ) );

but I would prefer to use
std::ostream& operator<<( /* what goes here? */ )

The problem I see is that I need to pass that extra parameter, a
std::string, which is used in the recursion. Is something like this
outfile << Skills( "" ) << SomethingElse

Could you do something like:

   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const CSkill& c)
       c.Write(o, "");
return o;


I actually thought about that about 2 minutes before checking for responses.
That's a good idea and I think that's the way I'll go. The parm going into
the top level is an empty string "" so I don't have to change it.

Good thinking.

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