Re: standard vs. hand crafted loops

"Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)" <>
18 May 2006 18:33:13 -0400
Daniel T. wrote:

I don't quite agree. I will agree that sometimes a for loop does a
better job than any algorithm, but I don't think it is right to say that
any one algorithm is always worse than any equivalent for loop. Even
for_each has a place in the world.

Even goto has a place in the world, too.

Maybe the example from "The C++
Programming Language" would be appropriate.

class Extract_officers {
    list<Person*>& lst;
    void operator()(const Club& c ) {
       copy(c.officers.begin(), c.officers.end(), back_inserter(lst));

void extract(const list<Club>& lc, list<Person*>& off) {

    for_each(lc.begin(), lc.end(), Extract_officers(off));


How would that look as loops instead?

void extract(const list<Club>& lc, list<Person*>& off) {

    for ( list<Club>::iterator it = lc.begin(); it != lc.end(); ++it ) {
       for ( list<Person*>::iterator it2 = it->officers.begin();
                                     it2 != it->officers.end(); +
+it2 ) {
          off.push_back( *it2 );

To me, the for loops in the latter example are obfuscating the job being
done to the point of illegibility.

First, you forgot to write a constructor for your Extract_officers. That
will make the code longer and further hide its intent. Second, you are
using the wrong baseline. The baseline you should be comparing against is:

void Extract_officers(list<Person*>& lst, const Club& c) {
     copy(c.officers.begin(), c.officers.end(), back_inserter(lst));

void extract(const list<Club>& lc, list<Person*>& off) {
      for(list<Club>::iterator i = lc.begin();
              i != lc.end(); ++i) {

which all of a sudden looks quite attractive.


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