Re: Dispatching on different fonctions according to template signature for containers doesn't work (yet) on G++

"Greg Herlihy" <>
23 May 2006 07:12:30 -0400
screetch wrote:

The code below allows one to find if a value is in an stl container
based on the type of the container :

//set like containers
template< typename CONTENTTYPE,
           typename COMPARATOR,
           typename ALLOC,
           template < typename, typename, typename > class CONTAINER >
inline bool IsInContainer(const CONTAINER<CONTENTTYPE, COMPARATOR,
ALLOC>& parContainer, const CONTENTTYPE& parValueToFind)
     return parContainer.find(parValueToFind) != parContainer.end();

//map like containers
template< typename KEYTYPE,
           typename CONTENTTYPE,
           typename COMPARATOR,
           typename ALLOC, template < typename, typename, typename,
typename > class CONTAINER >
inline bool IsInContainer(const CONTAINER<KEYTYPE, CONTENTTYPE,
COMPARATOR, ALLOC>& parContainer, const KEYTYPE& parValueToFind)
     return parContainer.find(parValueToFind) != parContainer.end();

//vector like containers
template< typename CONTENTTYPE,
           typename ALLOC,
           template<typename, typename> class CONTAINER >
inline bool IsInContainer(const CONTAINER<CONTENTTYPE, ALLOC>&
parContainer, const CONTENTTYPE& parValueToFind)
     return std::find(parContainer.begin(), parContainer.end(),
parValueToFind) != parContainer.end();

the code builds fine under visual c++ but fails to build with GCC below
4.2 (so, basically, all versions of GCC) : for instance, with a set
container, both the vector-like and the set-like methods match. from, i understand that gcc matches
the third parameter of the set template with the default value, which is
not in the c++ standard.

i'd like to know if there is a workaround for this bug so that we can
still dispatch methods according to the type of the containers. any help
would be appreciated, thanks :)

It is possible to apply a SPINAE technique (in the form of an extra
parameter with a default value) to determine whether the container's
allocator type is the second, third or fourth parameter type in its
template parameter list (corresponding to a vector, set and map,

     #include <map>
     #include <set>
     #include <vector>

     // vector like containers
     template< typename T,
                class Alloc,
                template<class,class> class Container>
     inline bool
     IsInContainer( const Container<T, Alloc>&c,
                    const T& parValueToFind,
                    typename Alloc::pointer = NULL )
          return std::find(c.begin(),c.end(),parValueToFind) != c.end();


     // set like containers
     template< class T,
               class Comp,
               class Alloc,
               template <class,class,class> class Container>
     bool IsInContainer(const Container<T, Comp, Alloc>&c,
                        const T& parValueToFind,
                        typename Alloc::pointer = NULL)
          return c.find(parValueToFind) != c.end();

     // map like containers
     template< typename Key,
                typename T,
                typename Comp,
                typename Alloc,
                template <class, class, class, class> class Container>
     bool IsInContainer( const Container<Key,T,Comp,Alloc>&c,
                         const Key& parValueToFind,
                         typename Alloc::pointer = NULL)
          return c.find(parValueToFind) != c.end();

     int main()
         std::map<int, int> m;

         bool b = IsInContainer(m, 5);

         std::set<int> s;

         b = IsInContainer(s, 3);

         std::vector<int> v;

         b = IsInContainer(v, 2);


      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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