Re: Operator overloading with templates

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 22:13:02 -0400
<> wrote:

I am having trouble with overloading the += operator when template
parameters are used. I have a class holding an array (called
"derived" in the following example) which derives from a base class
("base"). I want to be able to add:

1) any derived array holding class to any other derived array holding
2) any derived array holding class to a literal value (e.g int,
double, etc) for which addition is defined for the type in the array.

I would like both + and += operators and for appropriate casting to be
handled. A minimal example of what I am trying to do is below (note
that the derived class holds only one value for simplicity).

The two + operators work fine with GCC (versions 3.4 and 4.1). But
the two += don't work when defined together (they work fine when
defined one at a time). When performing derived<L> += derived<R> the
operator+=(base<L,D>, R) is selected rather than
operator+=(base<L,LD>, base<R,RD>). Borland C++ Builder has this
problem and a similar one with the the binary addtion operator. I am
really confused about GCC because the operator prototypes are
practically the same, so it would seem that the the problem += and +
operators are either both correct or wrong.

Using operator+=(base<L,D>, L) works, but without automatic casting I
am after. Any suggestions on how to get around this problem, at least
in GCC would be great!

Example program (88 lines):

#include <iostream>

// curiously recurring base class
template <typename T, typename D>
class base
   T& operator[](std::size_t i) { return static_cast<D&>(*this)[i]; }
   const T& operator[](std::size_t i) const { return static_cast<const
D&>(*this)[i]; }


// curiously recurring derived class
template <typename T>
class derived : public base<T, derived<T> >
   derived(T t) : t_(t) {}
   T& operator[](std::size_t i) {return t_; }
   const T& operator[](std::size_t i) const {return t_; }
   T t_;

// type promotion trait
template <typename L, typename R>
class promote

class promote<int, double>
   typedef double type;

// binary addition operators with casting
template <typename L, typename D, typename R>
derived<typename promote<L,R>::type>
operator+ (const base<L, D>& l, const R& r)
std::cout << "base + literal" << std::endl;
   typedef typename promote<L,R>::type P;
   return derived<P>(static_cast<P>(l[0]) + static_cast<P>(r));

template <typename L, typename DL, typename R, typename DR>
derived<typename promote<L,R>::type>
operator+ (const base<L, DL>& l, const base<R, DR>& r)
std::cout << "base + base" << std::endl;
   typedef typename promote<L,R>::type P;
   return derived<P>(static_cast<P>(l[0]) + static_cast<P>(r[0]));

// self-assigned addition
template <typename L, typename D, typename R>
operator+= (base<L, D>& l, const R& r)
std::cout << "base += literal" << std::endl;
   l[0] += static_cast<L>(r);

This doesn't compile for me when instantiated from

   'd2 += d3'

'R' is 'derived<double>', 'L' is 'double'. There is no conversion
from 'derived<double>' to 'double'.

The existence of the other operator+= does not matter here, I am
guessing. The reason is that with 'd3' as the second argument
the compiler cannot deduce 'R' and 'DR' from 'derived<double>'.


template <typename L, typename DL, typename R, typename DR>
operator+= (base<L, DL>& l, const base<R, DR>& r)
std::cout << "base += base" << std::endl;
   l[0] += static_cast<L>(r[0]);

int main()
   derived<int> d1(2);
   derived<double> d2 = d1 + 3.; // base + literal
   derived<double> d3 = d1 + d2; // base + base

   d3 += 3.; // base += literal
   d2 += d3; // base += base

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