Re: Problem using STL list and map objects as static member variables

Mark P <>
Fri, 21 Jul 2006 18:10:03 GMT
Bit byte wrote:

Bit byte wrote:

I am writing a small parser object. I need to store keywords etc in
lsts. Because this data is to be shared by all instances of my parser
class, I have declared the variable as class variables (i.e. statics).

//declarations in parser class (private section)
static list<string> m_keywords, m_symbols_used;
static map<string, myParser::FuncData> m_mapped_funcs ;

I have initialization code like this:


    //loadup keywords
    m_keywords.push_back(ABC) ; m_keywords.push_back(CDE) ;


I obviously can't place this in the constructor since they are statics
- (actually, I tried but I had linkage errors). Any ideas as to how to
initialize these variales ?

Hmmm, judging by the feedback I've had so far, I'd probably make my
self clearer:

This is an (abridged version of) my class.

class MyParser
    MyParser(const string);
    MyParser(const MyParser&);
    MyParser& operator= (const MyParser&);

    typedef struct { string name, int argc } FuncData ;

    static list<string> m_keywords ;
    static map<string,FuncData> m_mapped_funcs ;

I wanted to know how can I initialize (i.e. populate) the static (and
private) member variables ?

What was wrong with Victor's suggestion? Here is an example
illustrating his idea which seems to be essentially what you need:

---> begin code

#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

struct A
   static list<int> li;
   static int initializeLi ();

int A::initializeLi ()
   return 0;

list<int> A::li;
const int throwAway = A::initializeLi();

int main ()
   copy(A::li.begin( ), A::li.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout,"\n"));

---> end code

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