Re: STL algorithm member function problem
In article <>,
<> wrote:
Hi all,
I have an application that works on a series of file names stored in a
I have a set of rules that I want to apply to that list to narrow the
list down. Each rule operates on a single file name, and it determine
whether the filename should remain or be removed from the list of
filenames. There are several different types of rules, each inherited
from a base class Rule, which is inherited from unary_function. The
list of rules is stored in a vector as boost shared_ptr objects of type
I want to iterate over all the rules in the list and apply them to the
filename list using the remove_if algorithm. But I am having trouble
with the remove_if call.
Thus the code looks something like this:
class Rule : public std::unary_function<std::string, bool> {
virtual result_type operator()(const argument_type&) const =0;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Rule> RulePtr;
// Concrete rules are inherited from the Rule class and define
// the operator()
vector<string> fileList;
// .... fill fileList with a series of file names ...
//Now remove items from the fileList according to the rules.
//Iterate over all the rules in the rules vector. Apply the rule
to each of
// items in the fileList and remove it if the rule returns true.
for(vector<RulePtr>::const_iterator ruleIter = m_rules.begin();
ruleIter != m_rules.end(); ++ruleIter) {
// This is the problem line...
std::remove_if(fileList.begin(), fileList.end(), ptr_fun(
xxx );
Can someone help me with the correct syntax for the remove_if function?
I can't seem to get it right.
remove_if does not remove anything that is fileLIst.size() [before
remove_if(...) ] is equal to fileList.size() [after remove_if(...)]
remove_if returns an iterator so that
[fileList.begin(),result_of_remove_if) is a range containing the non
removed items and [result_of_remove_if,fileList.end()) is garbage.
if you want to really remove the garbage then
actually removes the items satisfying pred. that is those
whose for which pred returns true.
struct remove_by_rule
std::vector<std::string> &fileList;
remove_by_rule(std::vector<std::string> &a):fileList(a){}
void operator () (RulePtr p)
int main()
// ...
remove_rule(fileList) );
// ...
easier to read in my opinion and avoids explicitly naming iterator
types for iterators local to the loops actually performed. Holding
a non constant reference in the functor remove_by_rule assures the
same vector will be used no matter how many copies of remove_by_rule
are preformed and those copies will be 'cheap'. It also avoids copying
after the for_each() is performed.
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[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]