Re: Q: Convert std::string to std::wstring using std::ctype widen()

"Tom Widmer [VC++ MVP]" <>
Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:03:45 +0000
Jeffrey Walton wrote:

Hi All,

I've done a little homework (I've read responses to similar from P.J.
Plauger and Dietmar Kuehl), and wanted to verify with the Group. Over
in comp.lang.c++, I'm getting a lot of boot Microsoft answers (which
does not help me). Below is what I am performing (Stroustrup's Appendix
D recommendations won't compile in Microsoft VC++ 6.0).

My question is in reference to MultiByte Character Sets. Will this code
perform as expected? I understand every problem has a simple and
elegant solution that is wrong.

I generally use US English or Unicode, so I don't encounter a lot of
issues others may see (a multibyte character using std::string). I have
verified it works with a Hello World sample.

Before I get flamed for not using std::codecvt, Stroustrup states
(D.4.6 Character Code Conversion, p 925):
The codecvt facet provides conversion between different character sets
when a character is moved between a stream buffer and external

Jeffrey Walton

    std::string s = "Hello World";
    std::ctype<wchar_t> ct;
    std::wstring ws;

    for( std::string::const_iterator it = s.begin();
                                     it != s.end(); it++ )
        ws += ct.widen( *it );

This should work:

#include <string>
#include <locale>

std::wstring to_wide_string(std::string const& source) {
    typedef std::ctype<wchar_t> CT;
    std::wstring rc('\0', source.size());
    CT const& ct = std::_USE(std::locale(), CT);
    ct.widen(, +
          source.size(), &rc[0]);
    return rc;

It relies on the non-portable assumption that std::wstring is
contiguous, but that's certainly true in VC6.


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