Re: Interpretation of Effects in the C++ standard

"=?iso-8859-1?q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?=" <>
7 Dec 2006 22:48:27 -0500
James Kanze schrieb:

Daniel Kr?gler wrote:


Is this implementation conforming or not?

Certainly not. Consider the following:

     std::vector< int > v ;
     v.reserve( 200 ) ;
     static int i[] = { 1, 2, 3 } ;
     v.assign( i, i + 3 ) ;
     std::vector< int >::iterator iter = v.begin() + 2 ;
     for ( i = 4 ; i < 100 ; ++ i ) {
         v.push_back( i ) ;

At this point, the standard requires iter to still be valid.
Your version of assign would break this.

Yikes, thanks for reminding me to this! I should have thought a little
bit longer about that.

I further wonder, why the assign function is not part of the container
or sequence requirements. Can someone enlighten me concerning

A priori, because it isn't required:-). In the case of
containers in general, I'd say that this is correct. Containers
are not required to support insert, and may have a fixed size,
so you cannot assign an arbitrary sequence to them. In the case
of sequences... it is required, at least in the current draft.

Nice to hear that - I only looked in my 2nd edition (ISO 14882-2003)
and if I had read my own quotation a little bit more carefully I would
have recognized that this issue had already been mentioned by
Howard Hinnant in his report....



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