Re: Looking to write bitsets to a basic_string

"alex" <>
15 Dec 2006 08:24:08 -0500
CSAWannabe wrote:

I've got a vector of bitsets with 10 bits in each bitset like this:

        std::vector<std::bitset<10> > m_vctBitSets;

std::bitset<10> bsBitSet = 0xF0;

I want to write the vector bitsets to a std::string.. so that there is
no gap between each bitset,i.e. the second bitset in the vector would
start on bit 11 in the std::string. I could also write them to a
buffer something like unsigned char [x]. But prefer to work with

Something like this should do the job:

size_t const bitset_size = 10;
std::string output;
unsigned long data = 0;
size_t size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
    if (size + bitset_size > sizeof(data) * 8)
        // flush ready bytes
        while (size >= 8)
            output += data & 0xFF; // output lowest byte
            data >>= 8;
            size -= 8;
    data |= vec[i].to_ulong() << bitset_size;
    size += bitset_size;

Alex Shulgin

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