Re: how to boost::range_size work?

"James Kanze" <>
31 Dec 2006 13:53:38 -0500
<> wrote:

"""Clark S. Cox III ?????(?):

How? (Except on a broken compiler)

yeah, I've got such behavior on gcc4.1 on some types of T

Do you have an exact example? And what happened (error at
compile, or doing the wrong thing at run-time)?

In the past, compilers often did have problems with overload
sets involving templates. But I've never seen one which would
call an otherwise impossible function. And g++ 4.1 is hardly
"in the past".

Or are you perhaps confusing the issue with the fact that
something like:

    std::vector< int > v( 10, 42 ) ;

will call the templated vector<int>::vector( InputIterator,
InputIterator ) overload. The standard requires that the
InputIterator resolves to an integral type (a type which does
not qualify as an InputIterator, in the latest draft, but I
think the original standard said integral type), the templated
constructor have the same behavior as if the constructor had
been invoked as:

    std::vector< int > v( static_cast< size_t >( 10 ), 42 ) ;

instead. (Again, I'm actually looking at the latest draft; I
think the original standard cast the second argument to the
contained type as well. This makes a difference in actual code;
according to the original standard:

    std::vector< std::vector< int > > v( 10, 42 ) ;

defined a two dimensional array of [10][42]---according to the
draft I'm looking at, this definition would be illegal.)

James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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