Re: Simple C-style structs in std::vector
Ivan Novick wrote:
I have a structure that looks like this:
struct Foo
char msg[50];
char data[50];
Can these Foo objects be put into a std::vector? i.e. are they
CopyConstructable and Assignable?
I can not see any reasons why they would not be.
Neither can I.
Also what happens if it looks like this instead:
struct Bar
char* msg;
char* data;
It's just as CopyConstructible and Assignable.
The only issue i can see here is that if a Bar is added to a vector
with memory allocated to its msg and data pointers and the object is
removed from the vector without the program first deallocating said
memory, it will leak... but that can be handled in the program and
should not prevent the usage of Bar objects in a std::vector.
Right. Still, you should probably consider
struct Bar
std::string msg;
std::string data; // or std::vector<char>
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