Re: iterator and index
Daniel K. O. wrote:
G escreveu:
And whether is "vi.end()" called when each loop happens?
Yes, it is "called" each time, as this is part of the semantics of the
for command.
And if I change the code of iterator to:
vector<int>::iterator x=vi.end();
for(vector<int>::iterator iter=vi.begin(); iter!=x;
will it take less time?
Not in every (relevant) implementation I have seen so far, unless you
disable optimizations. The .end() member in containers usually consists
of a single return statement available in the header, that gets inlined
easily. Try looking at the generated assembly, and see it for yourself;
the output will be almost (when not completely) identical.
Have you actually measured it? The measurements I did (on one
particular compiler, on one particular machine) showed that it
did make a difference. Not a large difference. Not something
that I would normally worry about, unless the profiler said I
had to. But something measurably large if the loop was
otherwise trivial.
I didn't look at the assembler to determine why there was a
difference, but I suspect that because the pointer was part of
an object (the vector) which was generally accessible, the
compiler was unable to determine that it never varied, and so
re-read it from memory each pass through the loop. Where as if
the pointer is a local variable whose address is never taken,
the compiler automatically knows that it sees all modifications,
and that if it doesn't see any, it can keep the variable in
James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient?e objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place S?mard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'?cole, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34
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