Re: Stroustrup 5.9 exercise 11

"Daniel T." <>
Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:38:41 GMT
"arnuld" <> wrote:

it works fine without any trouble. i want to have advice on improving
the code from any angle like readability, maintenance etc:

---------- PROGRAMME ------------
/* Stroustrup, 5.9, exercise 11

Read a sequence of words from the input. use "quit" as the word
to terminate the input. Print the words in the order they were
entered. don't print a word twice.modify the programme to sort the
words before printing them.



int main()
  std::vector<std::string> collect_input;

  std::string input_word;
  std::cin >> input_word;

  for(int i=0; input_word != "quit"; ++i)
      std::cin >> input_word;

You create the variable 'i' and increment it, but never use it for
anything. Also, you never check for input failure. I suggest something
like this instead:

   std::string input_word;
   while ( std::cin >> input_word && input_word != "quit" )
      collect_input.push_back( input_word );

  std::cout << "\n *** Printing WOrds ***\n";

  for(unsigned int i=0; i < collect_input.size(); ++i)
    std::cout << collect_input[i]
              << '\n';

A more idiomatic way of doing the above is to use std::copy:

   std::copy( collect_input.begin(), collect_input.end(),
      ostream_iterator<std::string>( cout, "\n" ) );

  return 0;

One last thing, I think you will find that the above program will print
words twice if they are entered twice. Look up std::set.

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