Re: String Iterators

James Kanze <>
19 Apr 2007 01:56:56 -0700
On Apr 18, 9:32 pm, Adrian <> wrote:

I want a char * (not const) from a std::string.

I see string.begin() return an iterator which is implementation
And *iterator returns a reference to the element
So does &*iterator return a pointer to the element?


Now this below compiles but is it legal?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <locale>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   std::string mixed("We ARE a test String");

   const std::ctype<char > &ctype=std::use_facet<std::ctype<char >


   std::cout << mixed << std::endl;

   // What is a good way to get the pointer from an iterator
   // Are you allowed to do this?
   ctype.tolower(&*mixed.begin(), &*mixed.end());

No. There are actually two problems, at present:

 -- There is currently no requirement that the data in a string
    be contiguous; an implementation along the lines of SGI's
    rope class is legal, for example.

    In fact, no real implementation does this, and the C++
    standards committee has decided (for the moment, at least)
    to make contiguity a requirement in the next version of the
    standard, just as it is for vector. There will also be a
    non-const data() to return a pointer to the buffer, so you
    don't have to jump through hoops to get it. In the mean
    time: all real implementations are contiguous, so you can
    jump through hoops, and be relatively safe.

 -- The expression *mixed.end() has undefined behavior, and will
    probably core dump (assertion failure) in most modern
    implementations of the library. To avoid this:

        ctype.tolower( &mixed[ 0 ], &mixed[ 0 ] + mixed.size() ) ;

    is the consecrated solution. (Whether you use
    &*mixed.begin(), or &mixed[0] doesn't matter, but the latter
    is shorter to write.)

   std::cout << mixed << std::endl;

   // instead of this
   ctype.toupper(&mixed[0], &mixed[mixed.length()]);

Why "insteamd of"? Both suffer in practice from the same
problem; mixed[mixed.length()] or *mixed.end() actively
dereference one passed the end; in any quality implementation
today, they will provoke an assertion failure.

The basic technique is widely used with vector, and off hand,
I'd say that the &mixed[0] seems to be the preferred technique
for getting the address of the first element---probably just
because it is less to write.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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