Re: How to gurantee iterator behavior?

James Kanze <>
29 Apr 2007 10:43:59 -0700
On Apr 28, 9:15 pm, desktop <> wrote:

Gianni Mariani wrote:

desktop wrote:

I have read about input, output forward etc iterators. But if I make
the following:

int myints[] = {1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> myvector (myints,myints+10);
std::vector<int>::iterator forward_iterator = myvector.end();

I can still type "--forward_iterator" eventhough "--it" is illegal on
forward iterators.

std::vector<T>::iterator does support --.

On this page they pretty much conclude that bidirectional and
random_access iterators are the same thing:

// Random access iterators are bidirectional iterators that
// can access any point in the container.

You're quoting out of context. The very next sentence says that
"In a constant amount of time, one can move to any position in a
containerusing a random access iterator." Which is *not* true
for bidirectional iterators. (The wording in the page you quote
is somewhat loose, perhaps to try and make the text more easily
assimilable. The exact rule is that a random access iterator
meets all the constraints of a bidirectional iterator, and in

and that you declare them both with:

vector<int>::iterator pos;

Both what? There is only one type in the declaration above, and
it meets to constraints of a random access iterator (which
includes the constraints of a bidirectional iterator, which
includes the constraints of a forward iterator, which includes
the constraints of an input iterator).

// vector::iterator and deque::iterator
// are random access iterator types

So I don't understand that you write that

"std::vector<T>::iterator does support --."

I don't understand what you don't understand. Random access
iterators must meet all of the constraints of bidirectional
iterators. One of those constraints is support for --.

James Kanze (Gabi Software) email:
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