Re: Reading from a text file that also is binary

 James Kanze <>
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:26:45 -0000
On Jun 11, 11:09 am, "The Cool Giraffe" <>

Regarding the following code i have a problem.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but this is certainly
wrong. (In general, anytime you use istream::eof() in the
control of a loop, it's wrong.)

void read () {
  fstream file;
  ios::open_mode opMode = ios::in; ("some.txt", opMode);
  char *ch = new char[1];
  vector <char> v;
  while (!file.eof ()) {
    do { (ch, 1);
      v.push_back (*ch);

Note that if you are at EOF, and the read fails, then you will
push back the previously read character.

    while ((int)ch[0] != 10 || file.eof ());

You want to loop if you've seen EOF? (And what on earth is 10.)

What I suspect you want is something like:

    char ch ;
    while ( file.get( ch ) && ch != '\n' ) {
        v.push_back( ch ) ;

This will read all of the characters up to the first '\n',
inserting them into the vector, and then leave the file
positionned after the '\n'.

  file.close ();

For some reason, one that i don't comprehend, i get through
the inner while-loop three times (as suppsed to) but then, i
get stuck and the computer does not see the end of the file.

Once you reach end of file, the nested loop is infinite.

Contents of the file are three lines of normal text and then
a double saved binary.

Which means that you must open the file in binary, and that you
don't expect EOF when reading the three lines. I'd do something

    std::vector< std::string > lines ;
    std::string thisLine ;
    char ch ;
    while ( lines.size() != 3 && file.get( ch ) ) {
        if ( ch != 0x0D ) {
            if ( ch == 0x0A ) {
                lines.push_back( thisLine ) ;
                thisLine.clear() ;
            } else {
                thisLine += ch ;

This will handle the end of line conventions under both Unix and
Windows correctly (but not necessarily under other systems),
reading three lines, and leaving the file positionned after the
end of line of the last line.

Any thoughts? My guess is that it's perhaps due to that i
didn't open the file binary but does it really matter to
recognizing "the end"?

It can. Opening it in text would greatly simplify the above,
but would mean that you cannot possibly read the double

How can i "switch" the openess
of the file?

You mean the mode: you can't, once the file is open.

Yes, the file _IS_ supposed to have a leading few lines of
normal text and then a bunch of binary data. Sad but true...

I've run into a similar convention before. In such cases,
you're stuck with reading it in binary, and recognizing the line
endings yourself.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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