Re: STL vector iterator question

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 4 Sep 2007 15:56:52 -0400
T. Crane wrote:

Hi all,

I have some data that I am using a vector<vector<double> > container
to hold. The data is n sets of (x,y,z,intensity) data points. I can
either group my data like this:

vector<vector<double> > v(n, vector<double>(4)); // method A

or like this:

vector<vector<double> > v(4, vector<double>(n)); // method B

This difference, of course, is that in the first method, I have n 4-
element vectors and in the second I have 4 n-element vectors.

Next, I want to find the (x,y,z) coordinates of the point that has the
highest intensity. Finding the highest intensity is easy when I use
method B to group the data.

All I have to do is:

vector<double>::iterator maxInt = max_element(v[3].begin(),

The max intensity is found by dereferencing maxInt. However, at this
point I'm at a loss as to how to get the corresponding (x,y,z) values
for that max intensity.

I believe you should be able to do

    size_t indMax = maxInt - v[3].begin();
    double x = v[0][indMax],
           y = v[1][indMax],
           z = v[2][indMax];

Alternatively, if I were to group the data using method A, once I have
a max intensity, it's trivial to find the (x,y,z) values, but I don't
know a good (i.e. easy, elegant, whatever) way to find the max
intensity short of writing a max_element-like function.

    ... = max_element(v.begin(), v.end(), my_compare());

where 'my_compare' is this:

    struct my_compare {
        bool operator()(vector<double> const& v1, vector<double const& v2)
            return v1[3] < v2[3]; // compare intensities

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