Re: Searching a vector with functionals

From: (Carl Barron)
Fri, 2 Nov 2007 17:03:44 CST
Matthias Buelow <> wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm trying to implement a functor find_if, which takes a predicate, and
searches a container (for example, vector) and returns (a reference to)
the first element for which the predicate function returns true. I can't
get it to work. Maybe someone can give me a hint? From my understanding,
the call and the template-generated functions do match, typewise. The
problem appears to be that main()::f does not satisfy
std::unary_function<element_t&, bool>& but I don't understand why.

   Short answer template arguments require external linkage and
local types like your struct f, do not have external linkage.


using namespace std;

#include <functional>
#include <vector>

template<class container_t, typename element_t>
element_t &find_if(container_t &cont, unary_function<element_t &, bool>
&fun, element_t &notfound)

   std::unuary function is a struct that ONLY defines types
  result_type and argument_type, it has no operator () .
This is a 'short and sweet' correct version of your find_if:

template <class T,class Container,class Pred>
T & find_in(const Container &c,Pred pred,T &not_found)
    tyoename Container::iterator it = std::find_if
      return it == c.end() ? not_found:*it;

struct foo { int a; foo(int aa = 0): a(aa) {}; };

give f external linkage, but only file visibility.


      struct f: public unary_function<foo &, bool> {
              bool operator()(foo &x) {
                      if (123 == x.a) return true;
                      else return false;

int main()

      vector<foo> fv;


      foo notfound;

      foo &x = find_if(fv, f(), notfound);

      return 0;

      [ See for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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