Re: Pimpl using auto_ptr

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Thu, 08 Nov 2007 21:35:51 +0100
* Barry:

Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

Forgot to mention: for that workaround the public class also needs
non-inline constructor, so that the std::auto_ptr is constructed by
the code in the implementation file.

This is not necessary

It is.

struct X;
X* px = 0; // if this is not illformed -- condition1

This is OK.

#include <memory>

struct Wrapper {
   Wrapper() : sp_(/*0*/) {}
   struct Impl;
   std::auto_ptr<Impl> sp_;

struct Wrapper::Impl {};

Wrapper::~Wrapper() {}

int main()
    Wrapper w;

This is not PIMPL. The point of PIMPL is to have the definition of
Wrapper::Impl in a separately compiled file.

if condition1 is true, then the code above is well-formed

See earlier postings for the relevant paragraphs of the standard. The
code above seems to be OK (although it's tricky, and I might be wrong
about that OK). But it's not PIMPL.


- Alf

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