Re: Syntax issue (string, QString) - invoking constructor?

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 16:46:18 GMT
On 2007-11-23 09:43, Micha wrote:

Tanks for the answers so far. I know, the piece of code I've posted
so far makes little sense and is not elegant or efficient at all. I
used it to encircle my problem. Which occured while porting a bigger
project from aCC,hp-ux to gcc,solaris.
My hope was that I could pass some magic switches to gcc and make it
comppile the code without manual patching - which could end up with
lots of stupid work for me.

Besides that I got interested in the problem itself.
The (shortened) original code is :

#include <qstring.h>
#include <iostream>

std::string someFunction(const std::string& str)
    std::string val(std::string(QString(str).stripWhiteSpace().ascii()));

    std::replace(val.begin(),val.end(), '/', '_');


int main() {
  std::cout << "hello World!\n";
  return 0;

And the gcc's output is :


home2/eng/qt/mkspecs/solaris-g++ -I. -I.. -I/home2/eng/qt/include -o
testIssue2.o testIssue2.cpp
testIssue2.cpp: In function `std::string someFunction(const
testIssue2.cpp:6: error: parse error before `.' token
testIssue2.cpp:8: error: request for member `begin' in `val(...)',
which is of
   non-aggregate type `std::string ()(...)'
testIssue2.cpp:8: error: request for member `end' in `val(...)', which
is of
   non-aggregate type `std::string ()(...)'
testIssue2.cpp:10: error: conversion from `std::string (*)(...)' to
   type `std::string' requested
*** Error code 1

As I understood it so far - gcc interprets


as a function instead of a variable definition which was clearly ment
here - at least for the aCC ;-).

1) Any chances to make it compile with a current gcc without manual

As VC++2005 does the same thing I would guess that gcc is correct in its
behaviour. In Vc++2005 the following will not compile:

  std::string val1(std::string(str));

but this does:

  std::string val1((std::string(str)));

You should be able to do the same thing, i.e.:


Erik Wikstr?m

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