Re: How do you make a global const array that requires a function?

"=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?=" <>
Mon, 26 Nov 2007 05:17:15 CST
On 26 Nov., 01:16, "" <> wrote:

The profundities are killing me!

You can use C++ on a very complex level, if you
like, but that is not necessary! I would like to encourage
you, *not* to give up C++ at this moment - just
start programming and you will learn the remainder
of this language later on.

std::tr1::array<Element, 104> makeElementArray()
    std::tr1::array<Element, 104> array;
    /* code */
    return array;

So you created another constructor of the array class? What's with the
angle brackets? I'm guessing the "<Element, 104>" means an array of
Element type and 104 elements in it. Or... god, this one kills me.

This is not a constructor definition, but it is a function that
returns a concrete instance of a so-called class template.
And yes, your intuitive interpretation is correct.
Templates are these funny thingees which use the angle
brackets. Mathias' proposal to use boost::array is very
reasonable, because this template is actually similar to
my proposed array wrapper class. But I understand, that
it might make sense for you to start with the manually
created wrapper class first, to get an understanding of
the basics of the language. Be ensured that you will
be happy to reuse much, much of the facilities that
the open source library boost

provides fro you - free!
boost::array is one of many of the useful components
of this library and it has the advantage that you don't
need to define the same wrapper class again, if you
need an array of another type or of another size.

struct Elements {
  Element values[104];

Elements makeElementArray();

const Elements ELEMENTS = makeElementArray();

This one sounds like what I'd most likely do. Looks simple enough.

Yeah - just do it!

const Element (&makeElementArray())[104];

I had to stop staring at this one because my was getting ready to


HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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