Re: Creating a function object based on a constructor

Greg Herlihy <>
Sat, 8 Dec 2007 11:31:55 CST
On Dec 7, 3:28 am, ber <> wrote:

I somehow arrived at this question when writing some code to process
DNA sequences:

I have a class that is constructed by providing two arguments and I
would like to construct a vector of objects of this class using a
varying first argument (found by iteration over an appropriate
container) and a fixed second argument.

I tried several alternatives but, so far, the closer I got to what I
would like to do is captured by the following code.

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class BP
        char c;
        int q;
        BP() : c(' '), q(0) { }
        BP(const char i_c, const int i_q) : c(i_c), q(i_q) { }
        BP(const BP & x) : c(x.c), q(x.q) { }


BP createBP(const char c, const int q)
        return BP(c, q);

int main(void)
   string s("actg");
   vector<BP> r10(4, BP()), r20(4, BP());


My main problem is that I would like to use something *like* ptr_fun
to create in line a function object that represents the constructor
taking two arguments and then bind the second one to whatever I'd

Because constructors do not have names, it is not possible to pass a
constructor to a function like std::mem_fun and have it return a
function object..Nor can I think of any routines in the Standard
Library that would create a suitable function object in this case.
Nonetheless, I did think of two alternative approaches that might be
worth considering.

One approach would be to make BP() a function object - capable of
creating BP objects on its own (in much the same way that DNA makes
copies of itself):

     class BP
             char c;
             int q;
             BP() : c(' '), q(0) { }
             BP(const char& i_c, const int& i_q) : c(i_c), q(i_q) { }
             BP(const BP & x) : c(x.c), q(x.q) { }

             typedef char first_argument_type;
             typedef int second_argument_type;
             typedef BP result_type;

             BP operator()( char c, int i_a) const
                 return BP(c, i_a);

and then call std::transform() like so:

    transform(s.begin(), s.end(), r10.begin(), bind2nd(BP(), 10));

A less intrusive solution would be to replace createBP() with a more
generic routine:

     template <class T, class P1, class P2>
     inline T
     Create( P1 p1, P2 p2)
         return T(p1, p2);

and then call transform() like so:

     transform(s.begin(), s.end(),
         r10.begin(), bind2nd(ptr_fun(Create<BP, char, int>), 10));

Even if Create() is only used to create BP objects - the fact that
Create() could be used for other types makes the function more
"elegant" (at least in my view) than the single-purpose createBP()


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