Re: std::stringstream returning back values

"Daniel T." <>
Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:42:59 -0500
TBass <> wrote:

That doesn't work... The std::string value that str() returns is a
temporary object that dies at the semicolon. So, the C-style string
that is returned by c_str() is not valid beyond that point.

Ah ha! That's been my problem. I did not know that it was temporary.


I thought this would be pretty simple, but STL keeps getting the
better of me. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Your having problems because you are trying to use C idioms (char*)
instead of C++ idioms (string.)

The reason for the char * as an argument was because it's actually a
vector that I'm passing into the structure.

std::vector<char> myvector(500);
mytag->GetValue( &myvector[0] );

Creating a buffer and assuming it is big enough (or making it insanely
huge) is a (rather poor) C idiom. Better would be:

string str = mytag->GetValue();
std::vector<char> myvector( str.begin(), str.end() );

Even having the function fill a vector that is provided would be better
than using the raw char*.

std::vector<char> myvector;
mytag->GetValue( back_inserter( myvector ) );

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